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Konnecting the Dots
DXM & Ketamine
Citation:   k-man. "Konnecting the Dots: An Experience with DXM & Ketamine (exp63604)". Aug 29, 2017.

  repeated oral DXM  
    repeated   Ketamine (daily)
For a while I was a very heavy dxm user. For a while it was almost everyday. Sometimes up to 6x a week. Yes very ridiculous. But at this time I also experimented with a little bit of Dramamine here and there. I was quite and otc junkie. But I loved bo. I should note marijuana was also often consumed with the occasional indulgence in random ventures such as opiates or lsd. But mainly just dxm.

After maybe 6 to nine months of this heavy dxm use I stopped for about 6 months. I think I started noticing some of the possible signs of brain damage that I read about. I didn’t know how much of this was real and how much I was just being a hypochondriac, tho. But sure enough the party scene started back up and I was back into heavy use of a lot of things but dxm and marijuana took the lead.

I started reading of ketamine and it seemed like the ultimate adventure. I read many of the experiences and was very intrigued. I had to have some. So eventually I did find some. An extremely large supply. Very large. So I stopped all other use of drugs except for the occasional marijuana and just ketamine on the weekends. But this didn’t last long. Ketamine began to become an everyday thing. And at increasing levels. And then eventually up to a 5x a day thing. I was mainly snorting it, but I moved to injecting it due to the k pains ad such large quantities it took to get where I was going.

Now to the heart of the matter. I have been clean for about 6 months again and I definitely notice the brain damage. I read that from dxm the damage tends to start to fix itself after about 6 months. Idk if this is true in my case. I believe I have a learning disability. I also have read about olneys lesions. I know this is a touchy subject, but I believe that I have this/those. I have most if not all of the symptoms. I also was wondering if I developed some sort of serotonin problem. I developed emotional problems and instability. Mood swings, bi-polar, breakdowns.

I used to be very articulate and now people complain that I mumble and have trouble understanding me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 63604
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2017Views: 2,207
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Ketamine (31) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Addiction & Habituation (10), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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