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Faces in the Sand
Citation:   Azgaza. "Faces in the Sand: An Experience with LSD (exp63682)". Dec 6, 2007.

0.5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
This is report of an lsd trip I experienced less then two weeks ago, it was something I had looked forward to for years. I have done magic mushrooms thirteen times and smoked weed for two years and I was looking forward to trying something new for quite a while. Unexpected and by impulse, it finally happened. I am by the way 17 years old, living in the Netherlands.

A few days before the experience I got a text message from a person I met on a goa trance party once if I wanted to go to a party on the beach at night, also goa. It seemed like a nice idea for me and I decided to ask one of my best friends to come along, she agreed and at 9 in the evening we were on the train. I'll name them Klaus and Maria here (which are not their names), Klaus is the guy I met at a party and Maria would be the good friend. We were just expecting to go to a party and dance and look at the decorations a bit, although I knew that Klaus had done lsd quite a lot of times before, and loads of other drugs, and in the back of my mind I was already expecting it, and kind of hoping as well. When we arrived at the train station of the other place we quickly found Klaus, and decided to go look for the bus. This took ages but isn't relevant to the trip, so I'll skip it.

When we were on the bus it didn't took long for the conversation to end up on LSD. Klaus mentioned he had a few LSD blotters with him and offered me and Maria to have some as well. That didn't take much doubt from me and also Maria, even though I never expected her to try it, decided she wanted to try some. When we arrived at the beach the sun had already gone down and we went to the place straight away. When we were in the first thing we did was sit down on a nice place on the sand and light a joint. While we were smoking the joint Klaus got out the LSD and told us it’d be good to start with half a hit, these were supposed to be strong blotters so half a hit should still have a decent effect. I put the tiny piece of paper under my toung and decided to try and suck on it, which was suprisingly hard with it being under my toung. I moved it around in my mouth a bit and then finally rested it under my toung where I let it stay for around 15 minutes, by then it had desolved already so I decided it wouldn’t matter if I swallowed the remains.

Klaus told us it’d take around an hour to come up, and I became extremely impatient. I asked Maria the time every 5 minutes, hoping it’d be midnight, as we took it at eleven. During the wait we decided to get up to buy a drink as we were still sitting at our spot in the sand. Once I got up I noticed a feeling in my brain, like a pressure. It reminded me of the mushroom head feeling although with mushrooms it felt heavier and more annoying, this was kind of a floating feeling as well and I figured it was probably the lsd doing that. I also noticed my speech became a bit confusing, it was slightly harder to say what I want. At this point I looked up at the stars and noticed they started moving around as soon as I focussed on them.

When inside the building we got the drink and I noticed the place looked kind of strange, I also noticed the people made me uncomfortable, there were just too many of them. It wasn’t enough of a feeling to really be annoying but it was slightly on the negative side. As soon as we got outside again that feeling went away again. We got back to what we thought was the place we sat at before, although that was a hard guess as it was all sand anyway. We sat down again, and I attempted to roll another joint, which was harder then the last time. Still I thought there weren’t any noticable effects, and compared to what was still to come I was right.

Maria got out her mobile phone and started showing the pictures, I noticed a behavior change in myself because I normally wouldn’t find her phone interesting, yet now it was the most fascinating thing in the area, she showed some pictures and there was a weird incident with a guy suddenly appearing and telling about his tattoo and disappearing as quick as he came. He did that all so fast that I only afterwards even realised there had been a man. At some point, Maria’s phone lost its appeal and we decided to go check the dancing area. We walked up there as soon as we entered the mass of people we had to find the quickest way out, as there were far too many people and we had not enough grip on reality to deal with so many people.

We ran in and out and went out on the other side of the party. There was a steep stand hill we were stood for a while. The sky had gained a lot of color by this point and it was getting more visually interesting. We sat down there again for a while but we didn’t take the time to actually sit properly as we got up the moment after, I myself felt quite restless at the stage, as if I didn’t have to time to think about the trip in the quite busy surroundings. I asked if Maria and Klaus were up for walking to the sea, as it looked nice from where we were standing. Maria told me it seemed really far which I completely disagreed with at the time. We started walking and even though it wasn’t that far it took us quite long, as we went around the place being fascinated by absolutely anything.

At this point I wasn’t sure what were visuals and what was part of the nicely decorated area. This was however the point the first visual I remember very clearly sat in. The intire sand was made up of faces, the kind of faces you see on ancient greek sculptures. They looked as real as one can imagine and no matter now close I got to them they wouldn’t go away. This amazed me and filled me with job because I was waiting for visual effect. It seemed like hours but I think it was around five minutes later when we got to the sea. I felt quite euphoric, and talked about how I found LSD so much nicer on the mind then magic mushrooms, I also talked about how I enjoyed the fact I had no physical side effects, except for the feeling in my brain which I grew to like more and more.

I was feeling better then ever and we were walking along the side of the beach when we suddenly spot a jellyfish. This creature was suddenly one of the most interesting things ever, and we looked at it for a while. Its colouring was quite interesting, although after a few minutes we decided to go back to the dry sand to be able to sit down and roll another joint. We went back to what we thought to be out place and both me and Maria were rolling a joint, after we smoked them we were thinking of the nice place on the other side of the party where we decided to go soon after. All around me in the sand were the faces still and the faces of people I looked at were morphing slightly, making them appear quite ugly, I mostly just found if funny though.

We got up to the other side again and found a fire hole, although it took us at least 15 minutes to realise it was a fire, Klaus practically climbed inside the fire while Maria and I chose a nice place to sit down. There were lights from the party going across the oposid side of the hole and they became photorealistic faces going over them, but they were faces on faces. When I looked into the fire itself it looked like a strange red wooden industrial building. I wasn’t thinking much but I felt very clear mentally. As I was in a true chain smoking mood I rolled another joint and while smoking that joint the visuals got more intense and even more realistic. Over the sky were now yellow red and green lines, and people had cubes around them in lines of those colours. I was enjoying myself a lot even though I quite ignored the party behind me.

I’m not sure what drove us but we decided to go to the water again, this time the walk took even longer, but not because the water had drawn back, mostly because were hold up by pretty much everything that wasn’t ordinary sand. We were running around the place as if we were children on a vacation in a type of country they had never seen before. Finally we did actually make it to the water, I noticed the whole sand besides looking like faces, also had beautiful patterns all over it, that had patterns in them and that shined brightly in my eyes. That was nothing compared to the sea itself now. In the time between being at the sea the first time and this time the trip had become a lot more visual. On the thinnest waves I saw beautiful repeating symmetrical patterns that moved away in a fractal kind of shape, I looked at it for what I thought to be ten minutes and told Maria about the beautiful patterns.

As soon as I mentioned them to her she started seeing them as well. If I looked up at the sky a bit above the sea it had similair patterns but in brighter colours. This was a great moment of the trip mostly because of the amazingly beautiful visuals. Then Klaus said he had found another jellyfish, at this point I remembered what was what we had actually gone back for, to find out jellyfish. After finding one we found a few more and then Klaus realised he had killed one by standing on it. Pieces of jelly were everywhere which kind of destroyed the atmophsere so I asked if they wanted to back yet. Maria who had to go to the bathroom found it a good idea so we went back.

Once inside again it was weirder then last time, there were so many people, and they all looked so weird. On some mosaice on the wall the patterns were moving in strange ways, which Maria also saw, I later found out everything I focused on would move, but this was the first time I really noticed it. While Maria was at the bathroom me and Klaus noticed it was impossible to tell which colour the floor had, he thought it was orange with green patterns, and I thought red with green patterns, although it was hard to see. We sat down on the floor to take a good look and some stranger asked us if we were looking for something we dropped on the floor. We told him we were tripping, and weren’t looking for anything. He asked us again, with a strangely specific example of what we were supposed to have lost, a lense. We told him again we were on LSD and nót looking for anything, just trying to see what colour the floor had.

Then Maria came back and told us the floor was red, so we could go outside again. Looking back, it probably was red. This time we decided to steal a windshield for our tiny chill out place, with the windshield it was easier to roll and light joints and it seemed like a sort of nice tent to me, I enjoyed the atmophsere of our tent. The print on the windshield was moving and pulsating as if it were images of a brainscan, I later found out it was a badly painted pineapple, but I thought it were multiply brainscans. I told Maria, who said it wasn’t moving, but when she looked for a while, it was in fact moving. We were talking about clean now, what was really clean and what wasn’t, I decided clean was subjective and did not exist, which is a funny thing for me to say as I actually a fear for contageous illnesses and avoided things like doorknobs or touching public things for years. At this point though, I decided dirty was something people make up, and probably didn’t exist.

We had some other strange conversations while we noticed the sun was about to come up, the sky had turned a tint lighter, making it very intense middle blue. We wanted to check on the fire again but right when we planned to do that a huge bullzoder came and took out the fire. The music stopped. The party had ended. It was only 4 AM (Yes I write long stories) and we were annoyed by the fact it did as the trip was on its half and we still were planned to dance when there weren’t so many people. The worst part I found that they took out the fire, as it was getting colder now it was so close to dawn. Assuming we were allowed to sit at the place of the party as usual, we stayed. Yet this time, it wasn’t usual, we were told to sit outside the fences marking their terrain. It was hard to listen to the security guy as his faces was changing shape and looked blurry, the rest was sharp though, only his face was really unclear. We did what we were asked nonetheless and moved outside the fences.

Less then a few minutes later the guy came back telling us we had to walk a hundred meters from there, his face was morphing even more this time, it seemed the more he annoyed me the weirder his face became. We got up and started walking and after around ten twenty meters we figured it was around a hundred and sat down. Within another fifteen minutes all the goa hippies had circled around us in small groups. It was almost daylight now and I noticed if I looked at the sand it started moving. Also there were coloured patterns all over it, again in green yellow and blue. Maria’s face was moving and covered in patterns as well.

We spent most of the time at that point looking at the visuals and looking at the other people. Even though I hated the fact they ended the party I was in such an euphoric and positive trip I figured it’d be fun anyway, I decided I’d enjoy anything that would happen and I was already quite enjoying it. Klaus was also enjoying it, but Maria, who’s trip was already ending wasn’t that amused. Our eye was caught by a colourful sort of .. weird toy a hippie girl was holding. After staring at the weird object for at least half an hour she walked up to us telling us about it. It was an iron bar with a magnet and it was the most amazing thing ever on that moment. We decided to go sit with her and her friends and for some reason other people followed our example making one central sit place for strangers. The conversations were extremely hilarious and people’s faces were still changing shape for me. I was looking at the patterns in the sand, making them look different by moving the sand and whenever it moved in my vision, I tried to push it back for fun.

At some point I looked at the sky and there was a small piece of clouds, I couldn’t actually see them as clouds though, they were all faces, beautiful faces, all from the side, except for a few in the middle. They were a lot like the faces on the sand only these were blue. Then the most amazing visual of the trip occured, a part of the cloud became the face of an elderly man who’s eyes lit up orange and shined at me, the sun wasn’t even near those clouds yet so it couldn’t have been the sun, it was a great hallucination. I’m an atheist and a nihilist I didn’t interpretate it as anything else then just a great hallucination. I did tell Maria and Klaus about the visual, but they weren’t lucky enough to get it too.

More clouds rose to the sky so it became one big faces in the sky party for me, I remember saying ‘everything is faces’ quite a lot. The strangers were drinking wine and talking quite funny, I was on the ground laughing quite a lot. We sat there till 11 PM, and my trip was still subtily going, the sand still had faces, who now all closed their eyes. There was one funny incident when I told Klaus about a funny looking bit of sand. He said it were teeth, and they all became teeth the moment he had said that. I guess that's the way you can kind of control your trip, you can see quite a lot of things on will or based on your personality or people around you.

On the train journey back Maria was asleep, and I saw dancing people and patterns in the greasestains on the windows. When I got home I stayed up and typed my first (shorter and more confusing) trip report in dutch. Looking back on the trip one thing I find a shame is that it was on a goa party and a beach I had never been before, this made it harder to tell the visuals then a room would have been. Looking back it was quite visual, faces and patterns on everything and quite a lot of things moving, but I know it would’ve been more noticable in for example my own room. LSD seems to be a very mind easy drug, it doesn’t confuse me at all, although I got the amount of curiousity and enthausiasm of a small child.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63682
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2007Views: 7,551
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LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), First Times (2)

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