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Passion Flower & Mushrooms
Citation:   Merlin. "Hyper: An Experience with Passion Flower & Mushrooms (exp63703)". Jun 15, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2 flowers oral Passion Flower (tea)
  T+ 0:00 2 flowers oral Passion Flower (tea)
  T+ 0:40 1 cap oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I had read that passion flower increases the potency of mushrooms. I recognized the flower from pictures as one I had seen growing around my area. Mushrooms are my favorite so I was keen to try them with the flower. Recently I went out looking and found one mushroom (I think the species is psilocybe cubensis) and a passion flower vine. I picked two flowers. By the way these flowers are very beautiful!

I tore the flowers up and left them to soak in 2 cups of water for a couple of hours, waiting for evening. Then I boiled the mixture for several minutes, added more water and boiled a little more. Then I added a tea bag to the mixture, Lipton. Because there was only about 2 cups of water I only soaked the bag for 2 minutes. I drank the tea, flowers and all, and waited about 40 minutes before ate the mushroom. The tea tasted normal. I forgot to weigh the mushroom but I guess it to have weighed 15 or 20 grams.

The onset was normal for mushrooms. An hour after eating it I was quite high. I stayed high for 7 or 8 hours. Id say the effects of the mushroom were roughly doubled in intensity, but it was different than normal, I didnt like it. It made me hyper but at the same time I didnt want to do anything. The high had a sharp, uncomfortable edge I didnt like, and it was the same from beginning to end. I don't think I'll ever take passion flower with mushrooms again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2007Views: 9,785
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Mushrooms (39), Passion Flower (121) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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