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Who Knows?
MDMA & Unknown (sold as MDMA)
Citation:   Kellico. "Who Knows?: An Experience with MDMA & Unknown (sold as MDMA) (exp6374)". Jun 27, 2001.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:00 1 tablet oral Unknown (pill / tablet)
well i have done alot of stupid things in my life and this is not the first one but the one that sticks out in my mind the most vividly. we had gone to an outdoor three day rave. i knew one of the guys i was with and the rest i had just met. friday nite was awesome,it was my first rave experience. saturday morning came and the group all wanted to take showers. well there were no showers at the place and so they had one pass out and so they used it. i wanted to stay and meet some new people. so i stayed by myself. 3000 young ravers, tents everywhere, everyone goin nuts. i was by myself in this huge field of madness. so i walked around dropped 2 blue butterflies and was on my way. i waited and waited for them to come back, me in the tent, i had come off my rolls and it was like 6 o'clock that evening. i didnt know what to do. so i went to check out the crowd. i met this guy and he asked me if i wanted to roll i was like sure. i wanted to have fun. i didnt know you werent supposed to take things from people at raves. especially from a guy that looked this good.

the next thing i know i am on the ground and i feel this pain in my stomach, i have only puked off beans once in my whole time ive been eating them. anyways after that we walked into the woods cause i love being among the trees but i felt like i was swimming in the air i couldnt move or walk or talk, all i could do was watch he took my pants off and started unzipping his. i was paralyzed and all i can think is wee what am i doin and what am i on. i know it wasnt e and it pisses me off that some people in this awful world cant be honest about what they are giving and receiving.

i woke up at my friends tent the next morning after walkin the woods for hours. when i finally realized where i was all i wanted to do was go home and throw up. we left and i didnt tell the group what i had done or what really happened because i was mad at them for taking my advice and leaving me with these people. i know i dont need to be babysat i am an adult, but that is bullshit. when i got home sunday afternoon i went to take a shower i found mud in my under wear and it was disgusting. i would like to know what that freak fed me that nite, i guess ill never know.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6374
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2001Views: 23,534
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MDMA (3), Unknown (120) : Rave / Dance Event (18), What Was in That? (26), Sex Discussion (14), Nature / Outdoors (23), Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Difficult Experiences (5)

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