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Adventures in the Box
2C-B, Nitrous Oxide & DMT
Citation:   Phyzikal. "Adventures in the Box: An Experience with 2C-B, Nitrous Oxide & DMT (exp63786)". Nov 6, 2007.

T+ 0:00
15 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:00 3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Previous experience: many experiences with MDMA, nitrous, cannabis, poppers, speed, pills, ketamine and mushrooms. This was my 2nd time trying 2C-B, and first with a big dose of DMT.

Setting: 5 of us just chilling out in my friend's bedroom. The lighting is dim, and everyone is in a good mood due to having just finished exams. Everyone else in the room drops a pill, but I decide to go for a strong 2C-B dose. I'm a bit bored of MDMA nowdays after abusing it heavily for two years. It's also taken its toll on my mind and memory, and I've had enough of thhe depression I get after using it.

Anyway, I had some flaky white 2C-B poweder from a reliable source. I'd eaten 15mg a week ago and found that I'd like the effects to be more involving than what that produced. So I decided to snort it - I'd heard that this would lead to a stronger experience. I tried to break up the powder into a thin line but it was sticky, almost like it was damp, so I gave up and just bumped the lot up one nostril in a big clump. I'd heard it was pretty painful to snort, and it was. Not as bad as I'd imagined, but uncomfortable. The pain (akin to being punched lightly in the nose I guess) lasted for about 15 minutes.

Then the 2C-B came on like a Japanses bullet train. Within 25 minutes of insufflation, I was tripping my nuts off. It's somewhat hard to describe the effects, but I'd say it's something like mushrooms but completely without the bizarre headfuck/confusion they seem to give me. Colours and visuals/patterns everywhere. Very vibrant colours at that. Mood was somewhat euphoric, and I was able to communicate perfectly coherently with the others in the room. The euphoria reminded me very slightly of MDMA, but much much less pronounced, and much less forced. All in all, an extremely nice substance that I shall be returning to soon.

We did some nitrous once my tripping had levelled out at about the 45 minute point. As you can imagine, it made the 2C-B go nuts - very enjoyable.

Then came the highlight of the evening - the DMT. I'd smoked the remains of someones pipe before and got minor visuals and a generally battered feeling. Nothing too exciting. This time however, it was just me and 50mg of the orange crystals loaded into the pipe. I was a bit apprehensive about doing it while already tripping hard on the 2C-B, but reasoned that its better to go from already tripping to DMT-land than straight from sober, which in retrospect, given the experience I was about to have, would've just been insane.

I vapourised the DMT carefully and took 3 big hits, holding each for about 15 secs. After breathing out the 3rd, my WHOLE body starts to tingle and feel like its being pulled towards something somewhere as if its an iron bar being pulled towads a magnet. The room around me starts to look like it isnt real annymore, and patterns cover everything. My friends faces turn into skeletons for some reason. I close my eyes just as it really hits home. Huge revolving 3D wheels of geometric madness rotate and morph into and out of one another, getting more and more vibrant by the second. These suddenly explode into an infinite amount of neon pink and blue arrows which fire off in every direction.

I open my eyes, and the room is gone. I am in some small orange/red box which reminds me of Hell. A devil like figure rises out of the warping brown floor and dives into me. Literally straight into my face. My friends tell me that the whole time, my face was stuck in a look of complete horror. From there on, I'm not really sure what happens, but I do remember it being fucking ridiculous. It's completely undescribable, as is the experience generally to be honest. I lost all sense of existance, learned everything there is to know about the universe, watched all the knowlegde slip away in a second, and thought I was never coming back.

When I finally arrived back in the room, boy was I glad to be human again and be firmly planted in reality. My friend handed me a nitrous ballon, which I did, and this sent the close eye visuals off again - absolutely amazing. About 20 minutes after smoking, no DMT effects remained. The 2C-B was still going strong. I'd had enough for one night, and the 2C-B was going on for longer than I expected, so I took 10mg Valium and a line of ket to chill things out a bit.

The rest of the night was spent just talking really. Sleep came easily at about 4am, having snorted the 2CB at about 12am. I felt absolutely fine the next day. Possibly even better than I normally do. All in all, an amazing experience that I repeat again soon. Just be careful with the DMT. Any other hallucinogen is a joke in intensity compared to it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 7,395
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Nitrous Oxide (40), 2C-B (52), DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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