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A Nice Day
4-AcO-DMT & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   Squerll. "A Nice Day: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & 5-MeO-DMT (exp63788)". Jun 17, 2007.

15 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (liquid)
  8.0 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
The other day I had the opportunity to sample some 4-AcO-DMT for the first time. I was given 20mgs and I put 5 a side, so I dissolved 15mgs in warm water and drank. I lay down to wait for affects. In about 10 mins I noticed heightened audio sensitivity in about 20 min I started getting a buzzing sound similar to the one I get on N,N-DMT in 30 mins I was at a full peak starting to get N,N-DMT like visuals. I saw patterns that started to form into entities I felt like if I would of taken the whole 20mgs I would of seen a lot of DMT type entities.

I noticed a little bit of anxiety on the peak. After a bit I felt like I was at the height of the trip and I would be ok to go on a hike and explore the nature observing qualities of this substance. I the first thing out side I noticed was the audio awareness I could hear all the grasshoppers and insects communicating and all the birds in the sky communicating it was very nice. I went to a marsh and sat down and observed nature at work for a while. It does have very good qualities for observing nature.

After a bit I went back inside and laid down for a few minutes and explored my headspace. When I close my eyes and look inward it is the same place as a N,N-DMT come up, the exact same place. After a bit I wanted to see how some 5-MeO-DMT would go with it so I got 8mgs and slowly vaporized it got a nice big hit and laid down. Very nice! I cannot describe it in words but these 2 chemicals go together very well.

After about 4 hrs I ate some food and was down to normal with a nice after glow that lasted the rest of the day, and no hangover the next day. Through out the trip this chemical felt very clean and nice. I never ate the other 5mgs, 15mgs was good for a first time it gave me full affects and not to much were I became lost in the experience. The head space reminds me much more of N,N-DMT than shrooms. This is a nice psychedelic.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63788
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 17, 2007Views: 12,910
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5-MeO-DMT (58), 4-AcO-DMT (387) : Alone (16), Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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