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Perfect Picture
MDMA, LSD & H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   lost in smoke. "Perfect Picture: An Experience with MDMA, LSD & H.B. Woodrose (exp63890)". Jun 27, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:30 0.5 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 2:30   oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
  T+ 4:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA  
  T+ 4:00   oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
  T+ 5:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 5:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA  
Right, this is my first experience with pills (ecstasy) and LSD, and am going to try and piece together this amazing, yet quite simple experience.

Set: Just finished first year at art college, had difficult 3 months previous to say the least, but in a very happy state, feeling really free for the first time in AGES!!!

Setting: Stonehenge, UK, Summer Solstice

Time: Started intoxicating my self at 11pm, immediate effects finished about 8pm next evening, yet mental effect (tiredness, confusion, awe, very mild depression) still with me 45 hours on.

Substances: LSD, Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, Pills- pink stars (ecstasy), Cannabis, Alcohol (cider), Nitrous oxide

11pm: As soon as we arrived at Stonehenge, I gathered my substances together and rolled a joint, drank some cider, and ate a pill, my first ever.

T+15 mins: I feel a warm body sensation and find myself feeling more and more relaxed. I start wearing a smile a little larger than the Cheshire cats and needing louder and louder music. I'm so excited about how I am about to feel. The cannabis relaxed me and the cider, well its cider so a bit of drunk head feeling.

T+30mins: I'm definitely coming up from the pill, and well high, I wack out my LSD and have about ½ a blotter. First ever acid trip. I'm not nervous at all, unlike all the other times I have had this opportunity. Washed back with more cider, I want to get involved with the party. People have said that this could be a bad place, and plus I'm driving home in the morning! My friend is brewing a Baby woodrose tea up.

We walk off to the stones, feeling rather happy to say the least, with some of my best friends, feeling really secure smoking more joints. I'm taking loads of photos, which is going to be the case for the whole night.

T+1 ½ hours: I am feeling a little “different” and I think this is the acid kicking in! My thoughts start to speed up, and I feel slightly distant from my friends. To counteract this I start taking loads of photos of them, and start talking to them more. Then, very quickly, I feel like I can talk to anybody in the world
very quickly, I feel like I can talk to anybody in the world
, and start talking to loads of different people, genuinely interested in what they have to say, and start feeling my (awful) hehe, sense of humour come back to me, after it completely vanished about 3 months ago. This is definitely the best thing that has happened to me for absolutely ages. Bloody hell I'm relieved!

T+2 or 3 hours: My friend passes me some woodrose tea, and I have the equivalent of about 5 seeds. Not sure this is a great idea, but who gives a flying F**K ey? I'm feeling very comfortable wit a group of friends (about 5 of us) just chatting laughing. Then I decide to stand up and we go and play poi. My body is feeling super floaty and I have a huge grin and I'm talking in what must be a language close to tongues! My mates are laughing hysterically, and when I try play poi I just fall about in ecstasy. Everyone is so HAPPY! I'm not getting much visuals at this point, more like my mental energy to take photos and chat to different people.

T+4 hours: I have another half pill to keep me going, drink more cider, and smoke more cannabis. I'm starting to fly now, I am so happy and talkative. People look like they are made of ice, because the floodlights are blue coloured. The drums and instruments are really loud, I just sit and relax more. I also have another good drink of the Woodrose tea.

T+5 hours: I buy a nitrous oxide balloon. This I the first very weird part of the night. I breath in, out, in out, in out, until I feel my eyesight being removed. My hearing goes tinny, I feel like I am coming up on about a gram of MDMA!!! I dance like a total freak, my body is spasm, my mind in ecstasy. (I think I scare someone, oh well!). This feels like about 2minutes time, but have no clue at all. When I come out of it I just grin and grin and grin! Another half pill is available and I eat that too, then smoke more cannabis (probably!!!) The world looks so real, so incredible. When I look at someone, I see a story of their life as well, I am so interested to see different kinds of people and look at their lives.
When I look at someone, I see a story of their life as well, I am so interested to see different kinds of people and look at their lives.
I take 200 photos on film in about the next hour, snapping away at everybody. Everything I see looks like that illusive perfect photo! I just want to capture that story I see in my head.

T+6 hours: SUNRISE!!! Its cloudy, so we miss it. Everyone starts to disperse but me and a mate stay and chat, exploring the area. I think I'm sober. We walk back along the path to the car park, and push a massive hari Krishna cart with other people to the car park, in return I get free food! I do anything for free food! But then I cant really eat it, so I give it away to someone. Not sure that was relevant really but everything relative.

T+7 ½ hours. Back in the car, my mate rolls a hash blunt. I am driving home in about 5 hour, but not bothered. We smoke it, and all of a sudden my mind explodes. I see my and my dad with lasers for eyes, making incredible light shows and patterns. My patterns explode again and they are classic shapes, but so fast, so hard, so much more than any previous mushroom or cannabis visuals. I want to sleep but cant. I'm too scared. I freak out about driving home and have a daydream about the police testing me for drugs and getting very very much in trouble. Then I lose comprehension of objects. I think the acid must have been masked by pills, and now it is sooo strong. I have to sit bolt upright looking at things and speaking out what they are, so I remember where I am and gain awareness of the world I inhabit. No use. I have to do this for 3 or four hours and walk around to work out if I am ever going to sober up.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
T+11 ½ hours: I have to drive home. I manage to drive the hundred miles back, with only 2 hallucinations… one Fat guy jumping outta a tree and one soldier jumping from a tree (I guess it was a branch swaying). I get home and feel very fragile, but happy I had the experience I took photos of the event. That was amazing and I am proud of myself for working throughout the trip.

T+ up until now: I am still trying to understand everything, and really want to try acid sober, yet I think my mental state I a bit to fragile to use it for a couple of days! I drove 200miles today and it was very tiring. I need loads of people around me right now, but also starting to realise that I can be happy and in my own company (something that I am very bad at). I am not satisfied yet though. I need another pure acid trip to really go to the stage that I think I am ready for at this stage of my life.

I am not sure what I gained from this experience, but I think I know I gained more confidence talking to people I don’t know. I also, for the first time did something without thinking it through heavily before hand. Maybe it was irresponsible but I'm not sure I should worry about it too much, as I survived it. I hope!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 821
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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