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Violently Uncomfortable
Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) & Alcohol - Beer
Citation:   Rijndael. "Violently Uncomfortable: An Experience with Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) & Alcohol - Beer (exp63891)". Jul 26, 2010.

500 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I have alot of experience with drugs, including IV coke and IV crystal meth. But neither of those things were available to me, and I was looking to break the monotony of another friday of just being paid and nothing to do. I went to the store and bought a 6 pack of beer and 2 benzedrex inhalers. Once home, I immediately took the top off both the inhalers, cut them into 8-10 small pieces, and took them with a glass of soda.

I started feeling a buzz as early as 15 minutes after i finished swallowing the pieces. Kind of speedy, onset of MDMA body buzz.

Shortly after that, things went bad. I was breathing hard, heavy, and fast. I could feel my heart going insane in my chest, and there was an intense body fry associated with high fever / fast heartrate. Euphoria had all but disappeared. I layed down on the couch, feeling a sharp, grinding pain in my upper abdomen. I lay there for a while, trying to get the pain subside, feeling the onset of a headache (caused by vasoconstriction). After laying there for about an hour, I sat up and vomited violently. I threw up for about 3 minutes, watching all the pieces of cotton fall from my mouth in a river of beer and bile.

Just be careful with dosage everyone. Start small! I never start small, and i paid for it with this one.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63891
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2010Views: 26,781
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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