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I Almost Disappeared
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Iamyou. "I Almost Disappeared: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp64025)". Oct 27, 2009.

10 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I am a young american living at a toaist meditation training center in eastern asia. I had been having great difficulty finding motivation to do my practice. I have had past experiences with many psychoactives, the strongest hallucinagic realizations I have had have been with ecstacy/marijuana combined with a quiet, comfortable environment and a few very close friends, However being that there are no drugs where I am now, I decided to order some legal psychedelics in the hopes of stimulating a further experience that could help my everyday mind state and my ChiGung Meditation practice.

Looking online, I came across morning glory, I had seen them before but I decided I would order an ounce of untreated seeds from a web vendor and try them out. I am quite well experienced in psychoactive usage, and I have reached a point, after several near death experiences, where I have complete control of fear and it can no longer cause negative experiences aka I do not freak out. The only experience I have yet to take on is Datura herself, but one day.

Anyways I order an ounce of untreated seeds, planted 27 of them, and then set about consuming the rest. I split the ounce in half, more like 60-40, and try to crush up the seeds in a metal bowl with a rock, those were the best grinding tools I had but then I remember I have natural grinding tools in my mouth so I let the 40% of the ounce sit in water for about 40 mins, then I started chewing up the seeds, chasing it with bits of water from the soaking. I then practiced (Danjen - lowest abdomen breathing) for about and hour, preceeded and followed by rigorous stretching as it is part of the practice. In my meditation I could already feel effect of the seeds. After finishing the effects continued to increase, with slight abdominal discomfort, until two hours after eating the seeds I felt like I was tripping on acid.

To skip to the interesting part, I ended up goin to a little some beer house with this guy, and I sat there, wearing sunglasses, with three asian men and one woman, not being able to understand what they were saying except the few english words that they could speak. My stomach discomfort got worse and worse, Until I had to get up and go shit out some liquid shit. About an hour before eating the seeds I had stuff my stomach full of fatty pork and rice and vegetables. I was peaking at this point of shitting. I felt the liquid shit releasing not only the diareaha that was in my ass but along with it the problem that I had been having that was inhibiting my practice, I finished and went back out to sit at this little table with these four people. I was peaking inside my head as I sat there listening to a language I could only recognize as tones and facial expressions, I felt much better, and I was seeing how the interactions between people were the sun and planets in empty space sending energy through the void to create something,

I felt myself the creator, the supreme consciousness that created all things, that which is the true root of all of conciousnesses, what many misunderstanding people have been calling God for thousands of years, I realized why we have found an eternity of space outside of our planet, infinite distances, that could never be reached. We find this because we look for it, not being aware of where we really need look, inside ourselves. I felt the vastness of infinity, I felt how it is the same as nothing. As I sat behind my sunglasses at this table, I realized all this and I decided, that I would end it. Finish it all in an instant of ceasing existance. Vanish as the supreme concious and in do so end all things.

But right instant I went dark, I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and looked through my sunglasses to find the man across the table reaching out to toast a beer with me I then realized that is was not possible to end all things, As I was completely rooted in the supreme conciousness about to end all things, A part of my concious cry out.

This man reaching out to toast with the odd american in sunglasses sitting in front of him, had unawareingly acted as the continuating force of the supreme conciousness that is the fact of its very existance. It cannot vanish, it cannot end, there was no beginning there is no end. There only IS the conciousness. At that point it occured to me what I must do. I picked up my glass of beer and toasted the man, who looked at me in an odd way as I seemed to have been asleep behind those sunglasses when he first decided to toast.

I realized that the only way the to truely find happiness as a part of the Supreme Conciousness (which we all are a part of the supreme conciousness aka God, I had realized this a few years ago on a ecstacy trip with my best friend) is to create happiness. I then I felt my whole digestive system filled with disgusting shit that was not part of my body. My body was completely rejecting what was inside it. Then discomfort grew until after about 10 mins I had to get up again, this time I felt extreme pain in my stomach and I went into the dirty little bathroom and hurled up everything that was in my stomach.

Many toilets here are like little closets with small urinals in the floor, I looked down at my puke, half in the toilet, half all over the floor, there was undigested rice and vegetables. As I looked down at my puke (still feeling like I am peaking on acid, except not synthetic more clean and natural) I felt that along with the unwanted food I had thrown up my unwanted energies that had been plaguing my mind an greatly inhibiting my practice. I instantly felt 100% better, freed of my troubles, except that now I had puke everywhere, even some on my loose asian style practice pants.

Outside the little bathroom the people were concerned about me. None of these people (all 25-35 years older than me) have ever had any experience with hallucinagenics so they just figured I ate something bad, and they just thought I was an american wearing sunglasses at night. Anyways my friend (who speaks a little english) came into the bathroom to see if I was alright. Little did he know I was better than I’d ever been.
I realized this puke that I had spewed all over this dirty little bathroom was my first opportunity to act on my new realization, I found a toilet bowl scruber behind a little trash can and began to clean the floor. It was at this point that I realized the absolute Awesomeness that is water. Water has the ability to wash away the dirt and grime. I saw how are own physical bodys are primarily constituted of water, proving that we do have the ability to wash away the things that are unwanted.

In this bathroom (as with many bathrooms here) there was a shower hose and a drain in the floor of the bathroom as well as the toilet that was in the floor, so the whole bathroom could be scrubbed and washed clean with water. I washed my face with the water, I swished the water in mouth and washed it clean. I scraped the puke into the toilet an watched as the water flushed it away. I cleaned the whole floor, much cleaner than it was before, but I noticed I was tracking mud around the little bathroom. I then washed my sandals and feet. I used the amazing power of water, which gives life to all things, to clean away and change the bad situation into a good one.

Finally the drain in the floor was getting clogged up, and I realized that everything could not be done all at once, so I swept the remaining rocks and bit of mud from my sandals (my sandals are made of rubber and have big spaces in the bottom so when I walk in the dirt it cakes up in the spaces) into a little pile and left the bathroom to drain. I had a new Body and the Bathroom was much cleaner than it had been before. It was the first happiness I created. The woman who owned the Beer house got a clean bathroom. The first step in Changing the World.

After that I was pretty much not tripping anymore, and what little bit I was had little to no effect on me in my new Realization, I must create Happiness. I went back to the training center and went to sleep, I woke up in the morning and I had the most powerful ChiGung Practice I had ever experienced. This was two days Ago and My practice has been at a completely new level. I practice now an average of four hours a days with strong Chi cultivation. I have much more to say but I will save that for the Future.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64025
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2009Views: 7,928
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Morning Glory (38) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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