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Preparing to Embark on the Next Journey
Morning Glory
Citation:   Balto. "Preparing to Embark on the Next Journey: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp64046)". May 18, 2018.

6 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    oral Vitamin C (liquid)
This is a story of what possibly is, my last morning glory experience for some time. In the past 6 years I have gone on countless learning endeavors with the aid of this fine plant, I have experienced high dose introspective nightmares (though never a bad trip) and had mellow trips sitting in the woods. It is sufficient to say I've experienced just about the full spectrum that this plant is able to offer me.

My most recent trip was in April of 2007, as I was preparing to make a few very important decisions...I had been sitting on a bag of the Heavenly Blue strain for about a month, and decided the time was right, and my mind was in need of some clarity, so I weighed out about 5.7 grams on a scale at work, near the end of my shift. I began chewing them as I left, and popped another half handful in my mouth, just to be sure, I assume I ingested a bit over 6 grams. The highest dose I'd taken before was a little over 11 grams, and that resulted in an 18 hour trip. I downed the seeds with a bottle of orange juice, as a potentiator, as I walked out of work, for a 2 mile hike home. The walk was uneventful, and I had expected this low-dose trip to be not so significant. However, the orange juice and walking really circulated the alkaloids well, and I was feeling very cheesy by the time I got home. I decided it best to sit in my living room, and really confront myself, instead of walking about like I usually do on a trip. This was especially important to me, because I was attempting to discern the right path for my life, as I was at a crossroads: to continue working for the company I was with, or to go to school, and have the potential to make more money to support my soon-to-be born son. So I needed to isolate my body and my mind from pretty much everything. Also of consequence is that I had, in the not too distant past, served almost 2 years in prison, and the time I spent in there, I rarely left my cell, I usually spent 5-6 hours a day studying philosophy, and got my best contemplation done, alone in a small room.

After I arrived home, I knew that there was a bit more kick to the dose than I had intended, so I started hunkering down. Visuals were subtle, but they were there. The feeling was when I would stare at something long enough and look again, then the visual distortion was gone. I began my afternoon by listening to 'No Quarter' by Led Zeppelin, and smoking a cigarette. A fine choice, perhaps the wisest way I could have started my trip. The interesting thing was that throughout the trip, it was as if I was engaging in a prolonged goodbye to an old friend, and I began realizing, I may have met the end of my practical uses for Morning Glories and LSD. The next 5 hours contained a few jaw-grinding moments, deep inspiration regarding my interaction with the world on an individual level, as well as with my wife.

Near the peak, it sort of came to me, that if I was willing to work hard, I should pour myself heart and soul into my education, in hopes that it would pave a path to a brighter future for my family, that is, if I were to commit to it, I would have to engage fully in the process the entire way through, not halfheartedly. So I made that decision right then and there.

The rest of the time, I lay in bed, just thinking, which is out of place for me on an alkaloidal trip of any sort. I experienced, after peaking, and in the downward end of the trip, what I refer to as the 'golden moment', really a period lasting about 15 minutes, of such overwhelmingly complete psychological clarity as to render myself in complete balance with nature, time, and space. The light was out in the bedroom, but there was one dim one on in the hallway, and the bedroom, with the textured ceiling, began swirling in a broad circular pattern, and turning from purple to red to green to yellow, and I felt as if I were definitely 'in' the vortex that I was visually witnessing on my ceiling, and that I was sacrificing some part of myself, for noble purpose, literally, into the cosmos, which, by presence of the vortex, was beckoning for this voluntary contribution.

My wife came home in the middle of this, and I spent an hour laying in bed with her, telling her of my love for her, and of my commitment for our baby, and for my education, and for all the things I used to flaunt with cavalier indifference in my youth (I am 25 now), like stability, order, trust, honesty, and hard work. She's the most gorgeous Italian girl with Great Big Eyes that can understand anything, and a heart even bigger. (She waited 2 years for me while I was incarcerated, after having only dated me for 4 months)

I said goodbye to morning glories that night, and have embarked on this, one of the more stressful journies I have known, but with a calm resolve, and can think that I may have been worse for wear if I had not confronted myself that afternoon, at least one last time, before setting off.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64046
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2018Views: 750
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)

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