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This was Supposed to be a Light Dose
Citation:   Mickey. "This was Supposed to be a Light Dose: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp6437)". Apr 24, 2001.

15 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
8am Woke up-Drank 2 glasses Cranberry juice with 2 Centrum Mental clarity. Nothing to eat since 11pm last night

10am Drank 1/2 liter Water - Mesured out 100mg 2ct7 and divided into 8 even parts.

12pm 12-17mg Oral 2ct7 - 1 glass Cranberry

12:15pm 1 glass water

12:45 No noticable effects

1:15 Silght Visual and Audial Distortion (like 1/2 hit lsd) Slight Stomach discomfort

1:30 Strong visuals 5+hits lsd - Not as sick anymore

1:45 Vomit for 5 minutes

2:15 - 6pm Visuals so strong I cannot see what is acutally infront of me. I know that my wife is there but when I look outside it appears like the visuals I have in the dark when on acid. I cannot hold thoughts for more then a few seconds. I cannot comprehend letters. Everytime I look at my wife and my dog I cry. Nothing matters except them. I feel as though I have taken an ounce of mushrooms. I gag every few minutes. Jesus Christ, 1mg should have been enough. This is in no way, shape, or form, a light dose. I feel that if I have taken more then this that I would have died.

7pm everything is still moving like 5 hits of acid, I am calmer, but all I can do is apologise to my wife. I party maybe once every 5 weeks or so (somtimes not for 3-4 months at a time), but I have conviced myself that I have a drug problem. My wife explains to me that everything is going to be fine, I do not have a problem, its just that this drug blew my mind and fucked with my emotions. It takes me several hours to realize that she is right, but until then I have this fear that I fucked up and her and my dog would be taken away any second.

9pm light visuals, much calmer then ever an hour ago. We sit down to watch the Sopranos.

10pm - I try to sleep. My head feel like I have be hit with a hammer (kinda like when you hit your head on an open cabinet) I take 2 pain killers, ever an hour later the pain does not subside.

1am After not being able to sleep, I get up and take a shower. Where my kidneys are, is sore.

2am I watch TV and have a chicken sandwich.

3am Still light visuals - Very annoying at this point, MAKE IT STOP AND LET ME SLEEP. +15 hours

4:30am I lay down in bed to try and sleep. I lay there for an hour before I finally do, feeling pain like I haven't feel like since the day after my last 2 week heroin binge.

8:00pm +32 hours Still disorented, still tracers. Maybe tomorrow morning everything will be normal.

I'll stick to shrooms not that the rainy season is comming. 2CT7 is too much. Had I know that was what was going to happen a such a light dose I would have never taken it. I cannot believe that someone would snort 3-4 times what I took orally..

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6437
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2001Views: 16,461
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2C-T-7 (54) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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