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Long Term
Citation:   Vegas. "Long Term: An Experience with GHB (exp64387)". Jul 13, 2007.

1.0 g oral GHB (liquid)
I've used GHB for about three years, moderately. I find it to be non addictive. My doses have remained the same, without the need to increase. Since G is a by-product of a lactone and a base conversion, (resembles a salt), one should drink plenty of liquids to keep hydrated.

I quit for two months last year to test side effects and i found none, other than i missed it (but not to a point that i couldn't function without it), no withdrawals, no depression, no physical side effects (that i can tell). Odd enough, when i first started it seemed i had developed a tolerance to it and required a bit higher doses at first.

I Never, Never, Never...Ever mix with alcohol. Effects are not linear with dose, it can creep up on me as I decide to continue doses in one sitting. I like to take 5 ml (1 gram dissolved per 5 ml) every 30-45 minutes, for an all day affair, or 15 ml before bed, after a work out.

I believe G is good for me, it used to be legal and sold at nutrition stores nationwide. It's the only thing out there that doesn't have a come down. I metabolizes in the body and leaves no traces, it's found naturally in mammalian muscle tissue (in very small traces), and after a night on partying, a couple doses make next day feel light last night never happened...:)

As with anything in life, always do your research to form your own opinion, know your limits, and understand there is a big differnce between use and abuse, you only have one body and soul for the rest of your life, it's your responsibility to care for it and moderation is key.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2007Views: 16,967
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GHB (25) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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