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A Rather Heavy and Confusing Trip
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Jesus. "A Rather Heavy and Confusing Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp64428)". Jul 17, 2018.

  oral Mushrooms (fresh)
    oral DXM  
I had collected some mushrooms and was dying to try them out but I wanted to take a small dose first and see how potent they were. Seeing as the mushrooms were wild I assumed they would be less potent so I estimated 4 normal size mushrooms and chewed them down with water on a hungry stomach.

About 45 mins later I started to feel the first affects giggling and stomach discomfort. I recall looking at the TV and seeing peoples eyes moving apart slightly. About 30 mins later I was now really starting to feel the main affects and was shocked I was tripping so hard on what I thought was a low dose. I was not scared at all just shocked. Outlines were starting to move to the objects in my room.

My mind was getting to clouded with random thoughts and I began to feel to overwhelmed by the trip. The normal twitching and moving I get from mushrooms was also more intense then usual. I was not scared and not bugging out I was just having a lot of discomfort. I couldn't remember how long ago I took the mushrooms and I couldn't calculate how long the trip would last. I still did not become scared just very confused.

The trip was coming in waves, I would be tripping face for 20 mins then comedown to a less confused mind for 10 mins then start tripping hard again. I decided to eat a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk to help me come down. As I was drinking the milk I couldn't tell if I finished the milk or not so I just put it in the sink but I think did drink it all. The bowl of cereal was moving a lot, the edges of the bowl were warping around. My face was numb and my hands were clammy. Pupils huge. I was not having a good time but it was not a hell trip. I would hear a sound and it would echo around the room witch was just amazing. I was hearing a lot of sounds. I stared at a pen on my desk it and seemed to be really far away, this was not comforting because I was trying to comedown. I would keep feeling my face because it just felt so weird. I touched my noise but I couldn't tell witch nostril I was touching. I was really confused but still able to tell what was generally going on, I was in my house tripping and I was safe. I decided to take some cold meds to make me go to sleep because I was so tired, I just took a normal dose of something with DXM in it.

My trip lasted about 3.5 hrs and I finally went to sleep at 6:45 witch was not what I had planned to do at all. I think I was becoming so confused not just because of the shrooms but it was 4 in the morning I usually go to sleep at 2. I have to say mushrooms are hard to get a proper dose on, this was the fist time I ever had such a intense experience from just a few wild cubes.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64428
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2018Views: 1,128
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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