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Surprise Withdrawal
Citation:   Trammy. "Surprise Withdrawal: An Experience with Tramadol (exp64444)". Apr 18, 2008.

100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
About ten years ago I discovered a box of Ultram in my mother's medicines.
I asked her what it was and she informed me that it was given to her as a pain reliever after a hip replacement. She didn't want them as they made her 'dizzy'.

Well, of course that sounded good to me so I tried a couple and had a wonderful relaxed night that was very similar to codeine. I more or less forgot about this drug.

I had a terrible infection a few months ago, causing intense pain in my head. I couldn't get any doctor to prescribe more than a handfull of Tylenol 3. At the same time, my dog had problems with Rimadyl, so they said they would give the dog a newer drug, which turned out to be generic Tramadol.

I figured that I might as well take the Tramadol, since it was very cheap and they prescribed more than 120 of them. It definitely helped my pain which was so bad that I couldn't sleep without taking the medication. So I did, for about 2-3 months.

I had the infection cleared up and the pain went away. I still liked the feeling of taking 100mg. at night. Last week I decided to just stop it, as I didn't want to keep taking them although they didn't interfere with my life or work or anything. I felt fine.

The first night without them, I woke up with intestinal pain, could not sleep, was sweaty in the morning. It's been about four days and I still can't fall asleep easily, have some anxiety, terrible night sweats, uneasy feeling.

Be careful with this stuff, my dosage was pretty low and for a relatively short period of time yet I'm suffering some pretty classic withdrawal symptoms and it sucks. I've had codeine of various types, dilaudid, opium, pretty much any pill and most other drugs recreationally over the years with absolutely no problems until now, and I'm almost 50.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64444
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2008Views: 20,718
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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