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Ceiling Fan Light Shows
by Dave
Citation:   Dave. "Ceiling Fan Light Shows: An Experience with LSD (exp6446)". Feb 27, 2002.

2 hits oral LSD (gel tab)
I had been working at a new place for about a month and had made two really good friends, becca and jon, who had been dating for about a year. I had had numerous conversations with them about variuos trips they had and each one they told me made me more and more interested and curious about the drug. So one weekend they had invited me over to their house to party with them and I asked if they could possibly get any tabs for us to do together. Well they called around and at about 11:30 I got a call and they told me to come over because they had got the stuff.

When I showed up there were a few of their other friends who weren't planning on tripping that night, but it was all good because I knew them pretty well too. The kind of gel tabs that we got were yellow and we cut them with an exacto knife. I let the two tabs dissolve on my tounge and then went outside and joined my friends for a cigarette. They then told me that the stuff they had gotten was extremely good stuff and they had gotten it from a friend who had tried it and really liked it. Once we were done smoking we just talked for about 45 minutes until we started to feel a little weird.

At first I felt stomach pains and I asked becca if that was normal and she said yes. I also felt the urge that I was building up to some sort of explosion inside my brain. I expressed this to becca and she looked at me quietly and said, 'I just exploded!' I was caught off-guard by this and by the time I returned to reality I could feel a sudden rush of thousands of thoughts and images floating around in my head all at once.

I was able to interact on a personal level with everyone at my friend's apartment, but my two good friends who were on the drug were on a seperate level with me that only we could understand each other. I layed down on a carpet that was on the floor. It was blue and had waves on it. As I lay there I began to feel as if I was in an ocean and started to swim around on the carpet. This rug felt as if it was the most comfortable rug I had ever layed on and I lay on it for at least an hour and a half just soaking up the texture and colors of the material.

After I got up and sat on the couch my friends, who are big ravers, busted out some glowsticks and we played with those for hours. They taught me how to dance to the music with the sticks and pretty soon I was better than some of the ravers. We then had a great idea and taped all the glowsticks to the fan and layed up at it with the lights off. All the different patterens that were made from the simple circle motion was amazing. There were hundreds of different things to pick out and follow.

After that we started to comedown, but the drug was still profoundly affecting me so I started looking around their house. I was combing the carpet when I saw a piece of a granola bar and had jon and becca come over and look at it. We were all throughly amazed by this piece of food and marveled about how it possibly got all the way to the floor. We then stayed up the rest of the night and watched the beautiful sun rise and I went back to my house around 7:30 A.M. feeling the best I had ever felt in my life. This is definitly an experience I will never forget.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6446
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2002Views: 4,834
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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