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With Dehydration = Massive Seizures
GBL & Tobacco (Cigarette)
Citation:   Ricky. "With Dehydration = Massive Seizures: An Experience with GBL & Tobacco (Cigarette) (exp64465)". Jul 30, 2007.

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
  1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I am at home today, thankful to be alive. Around 3pm yesterday I had dosed small amounts of GBL without any food, and went for a bike ride. I had already been sick for awhile and was kind of dehydrated. I dosed another gram or two and went to my backdoor porch to smoke a cigarette. (~6grams in 3 hours)

I was enjoying the cool calming alcohol like buzz just chilling. The last thing I remember was trying to go back inside.

I woke up sometime in the morning strapped down to a hospital bed with a catheter in my D*** and a tube down my throat. Aparantly my parents had found me smashing my body rather loudly into the floor. I was stopped breathing, so they did CPR while the ambulance came to get me. I spent all day at the hospital yesterday. I am covered in horrible bruises from the seizures (my left knee cap, head, eyes, lips, elbows - nothing escaped when I was seizing)

I am thankful to be alive, and I would have died if no one was around. I would have been a statistic, a little too much GBL and you may stop breathing and seize.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64465
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2007Views: 25,372
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GBL (89), GHB (25), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hospital (36)

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