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Beware, I Underestimated the Seeds
Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis
Citation:   iwrk4satan. "Beware, I Underestimated the Seeds: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis (exp6452)". Feb 28, 2002.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
  2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  200 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
Okay, background information on me first. My extent with experimenting with drugs has been limited to a fairly frequent use of marijuana and a couple of other drugs. I have been looking to expand on my experiences, and after several futile attempts to re-obtain mushrooms, I decided on Morning Glory. I had been reading about Morning Glory seeds and their psychoactive properties in Timothy Leary’s “Flashbacks” and online. After a good amount of research and deliberation, my friends and I decided to try them out.

Our first attempt failed miserably. We ordered a 100g pack of (3000 seeds) from an Internet ethnobotanical vendor, and proceeded to extract the LSA. We prepared 250 seeds a person, and ingested. We felt absolutely no effects, and later learned from a newsgroup that we had used tap water (which contained chlorine) which would destroy any LSA that the seeds contained. We were all disheartened to say the least, but I vowed to try again.

For our second venture, I decided to go to Home Depot to buy the seeds. I went and obtained 20 packages (30 grams) of Burpee Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds for the three of us. This time around we proceeded with a simple water extraction. After thoroughly cleaning the seeds with water and detergent, I ground the seeds up in an automatic coffee grinder, soaked them in Poland Springs bottled water for two hours, and then filtered.

For the second try, we were all a bit skeptical. We had gotten geared up to try them the first time, and were upset when it didn’t work. The second time around, we were kind of banking on it not working, so we acquired a large quantity of marijuana. We then drank approx. 100 seeds each, smoked 2 joints each, and then ingested the remainder of our liquid. In retrospect we really shouldn’t have smoked because it made it difficult to differentiate between being stoned and the mild tripping and it probably took away from the experience.

A half an hour after ingesting the seeds, I began to feel really stoned and began to feel nauseated. I thought to myself great, the seeds didn’t work, and I’m getting sick as a result. My stomach was empty and began grumbling, so I decided to go get something to eat from Taco Bell…big mistake. The first taco tasted amazing; it was a lot better than just eating stoned, every bite triggered a different sensation, and eating was incredible. About five minutes later my stomach started feeling really bad, and this is where the trouble set in. My other two friends who had ate the seeds weren’t feeling anything, and I started feeling very alone (we later found out that they didn’t drink as much as I did, and only got mild results.) I began to feel disassociated and split up from the group. I felt like I was going to puke, and I began to sweat profusely. I went in the bathroom and locked the door so that I could collect my thoughts. I lied down on the floor and closed my eyes. My entire body would change from feeling tingly and warm to nauseous and horrible. I was starting to get worried, and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I finally got up and looked in the mirror and saw that my pupils were the size of quarters. It was then that I finally realized I was tripping pretty hard. I remembered back to what I had read about an uncomfortable set and setting creating bad trips, and I couldn’t get any worse than alone in the bathroom. So I left the bathroom and went to basement where everyone was hanging out, determined to turn my trip into a positive one.

I walked over to a comfortable spot on the floor, and started talking to my friend, who had experienced more different kinds of drugs then I could imagine. I started asking her if I was tripping, and she said that I definitely was. I then realized I could somewhat control what I was feeling and seeing. From that point on, I felt nothing but pleasure. There weren’t any intense visuals like an LSD trip, but I did find my mind wandering off and just staring at objects. I saw waves when I stared at the ceiling, and the lava lamp was extremely interesting. I had an ear-to-ear grin the entire time, and I felt warm and fuzzy for the rest of the trip. From what I’ve heard described it was more comparable to an E experience than an LSD trip. I didn’t experience any major self-exploration or revelations, but this may be from the fact that my mind was completely clear or lucid from the marijuana.

Looking back, I underestimated the seeds. I didn’t think they would work and I took them haphazardly. The first attempt I took time to prepare the set and setting of our journey, and I took the seeds with the respect they deserved. The second time, and I took them lightly. In retrospect I probably should have taken a smaller dose, not smoked, and treated the seeds with respect. I will probably try them again because they are easily attainable, and I would like to experience the trip in the right setting without any other drugs. So my advice to anyone looking to do them: use bottled water, be careful with the dose you select, make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment, and if possible have an experienced tripper take them with you, or at least be there for help. Enjoy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6452
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2002Views: 51,179
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Cannabis (1), Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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