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Effects Take Longer To Come On
Citation:   badjessejames. "Effects Take Longer To Come On: An Experience with GHB (exp6463)". Feb 26, 2002.

3 caps oral GHB (liquid)
Let me start off by saying I have years of practice with all types of mood altering chemicals, my faves at the time are MDMA, Shrooms and a stiff cocktail now and then.

I've tried GHB a few times and always got a huge buzz, then woke up somewhere kinda stupified. So I was less than thrilled to get my hands on 120ml of GBL but my girlfriend had never tried it so I followed the basic sodium hydroxide recipe and there we were. We first experimented with 2 caps each and merely got a slight mood lift so I thought 'great no big deal' and took 3 caps the next day at work (telemarketing) spaced out 1 hour each. Nothing to exciting happened so I was starting to wonder if my batch even turned out. After work that night I stopped by my boys house and downed 3 caps at once. I was fine 30mins later so I caught a ride somewhere else then it hit me-Huge body buzz, dancing around to the music in my head then I was out. My girlfriend ended up giving me a piggy back ride home cuz she was worried that she'd get me home but not out of the car. I threw up all over the house in front of my mom who was barely talked out of calling the ambulance by my girl. (thank the gods for sites like EROWID so people can research before the fact, so they know how to act).

I woke up roughly 5 hours later and remembered nothing and had the feeling for the next week that I wanted to hide in a closet, not just because I acted like an idiot but because I felt uncomfortable in my skin. BE CAREFUL with this stuff, everyone is different. Every report I read said effects peaked within 15-20mins... I didnt feel them until it was to late, THEN WHAT!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2002Views: 6,235
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GHB (25) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5)

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