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Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship
Citation:   Inconsistant. "Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp64640)". Erowid.org. Oct 29, 2007. erowid.org/exp/64640

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   bowls smoked Cannabis  
To start with, I am a fairly healthy 20 year old: no serious medical problems, save being somewhat overweight. I've smoked my share of marijuana, but have generally stayed away from harder substances.

In March of '07, a friend (N)told me that he got a research chemical from a chemist. He told me that it was 2C-T-2, described as a 'visuals' drug, further explaining that it didn't mess with your mind as much as some others do. He told me that it was legal here in the States, which is what convinced me to try it in the first place. I figured that if it was legal, it would be weaker than other pyschedelics. Later, of course, I found out that 2C-T-2 can be charged under that analog act. He was selling it for $10 a dose (10mg), so I promptly bought two from him. One for me and one for another friend, A.

On my way back from scoring the substance with A, we were discussing what we expected to happen that night, and the most memorable thing that I remember from the coversation is him telling me, 'I just wanna trip into a black hole tonight.' I felt the same way, and we were both excited at the prospect.

When we got to my apartment, we opened the white powder that was sitting in wrapped tin foil. A took his first, pouring the whole thing of powder on his tounge and quickly washing it down with some soda afterwards. I, being more cautious, took half of the 10mg in the same manner, and decided to come back for the rest in a little while, to make sure that I wouldn't have an adverse reaction right after consumption. We agreed that the taste wasnt all too bad, tasting alot like aspirin. A went into my room and began playing video games, while I took a shower.

The first effect I noticed was while I was still in the shower. After washing my hair, I reopened my eyes, and it felt like the shower curtain was incredibly close to my face and it startled me. I now believe that this was nothing more than expectance and placebo, as it was only 20 minutes or so after taking the drug.

After my shower I finished my dose, and went into my room to play Mega Man X3 (which now has a special place in my heart because of this night). We waited for an hour with no effects to note, except a slight dissappointment that nothing was happening. At this time, I went to make some food. While I was filling up the cooking pot, I thought I saw the water shimmer and move in a way that was clearly unnatural, but I dismissed this as wishful thinking.

After eating my food, A and I decided that we weren't going to feel any effects from this obviously bogus substance, so we decided to pack the one bowl we had saved as a fall back in case of just such an occurance. So at just about T+2:00 we smoked a bowl of very good pot out of my water pipe.

The high started off feeling normal, but as half an hour rounded, I just kept feeling more and more high, and my stomach was beginning to hurt. I kept saying completely random things and A and I were out of control with laughter. My stomach started to hurt really bad and I decided to go to the bathroom. As I got up, I realized that this was definetly NOT a normal high. When I got to the bathroom, I began to see shadows moving out of the corner of my eye, and went to the mirror. As I was looking at my face, a huge grin formed at my mouth and from there, took over my whole face. My face began to get fuzzy, and when it came into focus again, I could have sworn I had become a werewolf.

At this time, I ran to A and said, 'HOLY SHIT, WE'RE TRIPPING!' At this point, A turned the game off and looked around, not even noticing that he was tripping until I told him it was working. The next few hours were full of beautiful colors, hallways that seemed to go on forever, and everyday objects and thoughts, twisting and shaping into new and exciting items, any one of which I felt I could write a thesis on. Another great thing about this was that nothing was overpowering, I felt like I was still in control of myself and didn't once have any anxiety about things getting out of control.

About T+4:00, the lights got too bright and I was having serious problems with mucous build up (causing me to cough like clockwork for about 7 hours straight), so we turned off the lights and watched the first season of Lost until we fell asleep.

All in all, the trip was surprisingly long going from about midnight to 8am, when shit started to calm down and I was able to sleep. This was a crazy drug, one I miss terribly. I tried it 2 more times after this, each experience spread out about a month apart. The other two times were also at 10mg each, but did not result in any hallucinations, and were thuroughly disappointing. Another friend of mine I got 2C-T-2 snorted the 10mg pack on an different night, and was completely overcome by the visuals, as well as the horrendous pain the powder brought his nose. I did this before I researched this material online, and I realize how stupid it was to just take a substance without knowing anything about it, and it is NOT a mistake I will ever make again.

I was surprised at how much of an effect this first dose had on me given my excessive bodyweight, but as I said, it was not enough on any other time. I did not have any real spiritual experiences or self realizations, but it was definetly worth the time and money, and would definetly do it again if given the chance, though I would do 20mg or maybe even 30.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64640
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2007Views: 7,082
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2C-T-2 (53) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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