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Testing Threshold
Cocaine & Drug Testing
Citation:   Muser. "Testing Threshold: An Experience with Cocaine & Drug Testing (exp64645)". Nov 15, 2007.

  oral Cocaine (powder / crystals)
This is my experience: Looking at my weight, 250lbs, I am not a small guy. This was one of the reasons I stopped snorting coke, as I was afraid of a heart attack. One night long after I quit doing cocaine, I decided it would be okay to do a numbie. I put just a dab of coke on my tongue and well, it got numb. I never really thought about it showing up on a drug test because of the amount, so I didn't think about how my out patient rehab that I was currently at for some legal issues sometimes drug tested me.

Well just my luck, they gave me a random test the next day, but again I wasn't worried. Well, I stuck around to get the preliminary test results, before they sent it into the lab so I could get a basic idea of what was in my piss (if it would show up for thc or not), and BAM! I couldn't believe my eyes, I was staring at a definite positive for cociane. At first I didn't understand how that possibly could have been until I remembered that the previous night, in a drunken haze, I had numbied myself with cocaine. So that goes to show you, cocaine is a potent and powerful drug, and it seems as if even the tiniest dab can give a relatively large person a positive. Watch out kiddies!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 64645
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2007Views: 15,837
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Cocaine (13), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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