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Methadone & Tramadol (Ultram)
Citation:   Burned Boy. "Contraindicated?: An Experience with Methadone & Tramadol (Ultram) (exp64713)". Sep 27, 2009.

30 mg   Methadone (daily)
  100 mg   Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
At 16 years old, I was burned over 90%, 3rd degree from a car accident, while trying to rescue my best friend from the wreckage. Needless to say I've been on some crazy tripped out heavy meds. So now I'm 31 and been dealing with this stuff not so well. I got addicted to heroin at 19 or 20, but was smoking ot before that. I tried everything I could get my nubs on. Whatever I could smoke, snort or eat I would. But now I've been clean for 4 years through a methadone clinic.

I started at 105mg daily and now I'm down to 30mg daily, but it goes down 3mg every time I pick up, which is two weeks. With all the pain I still experience I thought I'd go to a pain clinic. For the first month the gave me the muscle relaxers Tizanidine and orphenadrine. They helped big time and no adverse effect with the methadone. Then this month he puts me on 50mg of tramadol twice daily plus a half when needed. I have to tell my clinic everything that I take and I do. So a few days later the clinic calls and tells me to stop taking tramadol that it will cause withdraw from the methadone, but I hadn't felt bad. I called up the pain Doctor and he got pissed off a told the clinic people they were wrong, but since then I've found websites and some literature that states tramadol is contraindicated with methadone.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2009Views: 19,625
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Methadone (166), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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