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Sedation and Relaxation
Chamomile (tea)
Citation:   tomo17. "Sedation and Relaxation: An Experience with Chamomile (tea) (exp64716)". Mar 20, 2010.

1 teabag repeated smoked Chamomile (ground / crushed)
  1 teabag repeated oral Chamomile (tea)
  5 teabags repeated oral Chamomile (ground / crushed)
After reading that Chamomile was used as a herbal remedy for anxiety, I went out to the store and bought a box of Chamomile tea.

My experiments have been:

1. Making Chamomile Tea, consuming it in small, then large quantities.

2. Eating the actual Chamomile Tea

3. Smoking the plant matter

My results are as follows:

1. Tea: Makes me drowsy, somewhat realxed, but anxiety is still present. This is only a mild sedative but helps aid sleep, I would not recommend drinking the tea as a remedy for anxiety, its effects are not profound.

2. Eating: This was disgusting and did not do anything, I ate 5 teabags worth before bedtime and still had trouble sleeping. I guess eating only works with some psychoactives (nutmeg)

3. Smoking: The smoke isn't too harsh (unless you take a big hit) and the effects are body relaxation, drowsiness, and reduced anxiety. The experience of smoking the plant matter produced notable stress reduction effects, with a pot-like odor. So if you have anxiety problems and are looking for a quick fix, try this. If you have severe anxiety, this won't help much.

Overall, I respect the Chamomile flower. I make the tea when I want to sleep, and I smoke it when I want to relax and enjoy a very mild buzz.

Try it for yourself and see what happens!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64716
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 20, 2010Views: 34,599
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Chamomile (428) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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