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'Sub-lingual' No Nausea Method
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue), Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Lysergicblis. "'Sub-lingual' No Nausea Method: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue), Cannabis & Alcohol (exp64745)". Dec 29, 2009.

T+ 0:00
3 g sublingual Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:10 3 g sublingual Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 9 g sublingual Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 4:00 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 7:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I was seeking a legal alternative to pestering my friends for a shroom hookup (or better yet stumbling onto that random LSD hookup) and the internet came to my rescue with a vast amount of information on Morning Glory and its cousin the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. After about 8 hours of research online I made some orders and had some of both types of seeds in the mail. This text covers the experiments and experiences I had with Morning Glory Heavenly Blues only.

A submission by the user iJoe entitled 'No Barf Sublingual Technique' that covers his experience with HBW served as my guide for the preparation and ingestion. I chose it because I wanted:
1. A 'clean' experience, nausea free, without having to involve any solvents whatsoever.
2. Little/no required preparation time. I like to be fairly spontaneous.
3. To see if I could confirm one of very few reports I've yet seen on this method, and to see if it also applies to Morning Glory, not just HBW (some user reviews of HBW also confirmed that iJoe's no barf technique works)

An internet 'shaman' shop shipped 4oz at a very reasonable $19(USD) shipped. These seeds are organically grown, untreated.

For each of 2 experiments (dosages to follow) I used the following appraoch:
Ground entire dose into very fine powder with a whirly-blade coffee grinder, with short pulses in rapid succession. Added dose to about 2 tsp water, or enough to get it to form a paste. Placed the dose in the refrigerator and waited 30 minutes. By then it was thick and pasty so I added a little extra water (1/2 tsp) before I spooned the dose into my mouth and proceeded to hold it there for anywhere from 25-45 minutes depending how gross it got. Spit it out, rinsed very thoroughly and that's it.

The only problem with this method when doing Morning Glory is the sheer quantity of seed paste I was holding in my mouth. I pushed the boundaries of my big cheeks - limited to 5g max in the mouth due to the accumulation of saliva and the expansion of the seed paste as it absorbs water. That doesn't mean I can't take a bigger dose, it'll just have to be done in installments which will take more time.

Dosages and Resultant Experiences.
I attempted to ramp up to the right dose (was seeking something psychedelic but NOT completely incoherent and delirious) by first establishing what was needed for a light or common dose using this technique, and moving up from there. I used the dosage page as a starting point, and added 50% to compensate for non-complete ingestion.

Dose 1: 6 grams (2 'installments')
My business partner was hanging around my apartment finishing up his work on a Friday afternoon and I decided to try to get some threshold effects for the evening. The preparation was as described above. There was so much sludge after letting the seeds sit in a bit of water that I decided it was infeasible to hold it all in my mouth at once so I did it in 2 installments, half for 25 minutes, then the other half for 35 minutes. There was about 45 minutes between each half-dose.

Within a half hour after the second I was sure I felt effects. I suddenly wanted to be the comedian for my gf and my friend who was still there, behavior typical of past LSD experiences. I felt really happy and totally confident in my decision to dose this stuff. The dose was so low that I was very much in control, yet I really did feel pretty trippy without visuals. We smoked some weed before going out to my favorite bar (I had good experiences drinking on LSD so I figured why not) and that lifted my mood even higher. These effects lasted thru the next 4 hrs. I got to sleep with no real trouble when we went home later. Woke well rested a very slight afterglow.

Dose 2: 9 grams (all at once!)
6:35pm in mouth
7:25pm out
This was a highly ambitious quantity of seed paste to be holding all at once. Bits leaked out thru my pursed lips a few times because there was just too damn much. I recommend keeping a cup or mug around so if you need to make some extra room you can just spit some stuff out. By the end of the 50 minutes I had spit out maybe 15% of the seed paste to make more room. During the last 5 minutes I tried to keep some paste from leaking out and accidentally triggered the swallow reflex, so a tiny bit of seed paste accidently went down the hatch. It wasn't much but it burned like FIRE. I can see why people get nausea from ingesting these.

+30mins Feeling something, not much

+1hr Definitely feeling something

+2hr Wow its just like LSD. I need to reassure myself during the come up 'yes this is ok', there were alternating waves of slight unease and complete happiness. Having good friends around who I trust well gave me lots of positive things to focus on. It was a great distraction from the sort of disconnection I was feeling from my digestive system and body in general. I had no nausea but I had familiar LSD-like gas and a certain uneasy lightness in my stomach that came and went in waves.

+4hr Very much was peaking. I felt the waves of unease dissipating, and I was coming into full control of the trip. For me that is EXACTLY like LSD. From this point on I actually was forgetting that I wasn't on LSD since its so familiar. I took a small hit of weed with the group (very very small hit for me) and it intensified the whole thing as predicted.

+6hr I've been writing this dose/experience report for the last 20 minutes. I don't feel like I've stopped peaking yet. I did hit a big bunch of weed from the volcano (vaporizer) and it really made colors come alive for open- or closed-eye visual effects. Remembering some of Leary's LSD research and his theories on 'imprints' I decided to try the peach that my girlfriend was eating - I typically don't like the tartness of peaches but I'd like to be able to enjoy them. It was an amazing peach. I'll be interested to see if I still like peaches this much tomorrow, because right now they're about all I want.

+7hr sleepy time. I had a glass of wine.

+15hr Just woke up. I feel refreshed, and recall some very vivid dreams. I still have slight visual distortion around the edges of solid objects.

This absorption method absolutely works for me. I think the most important factor was the length of time that I held the sludge in my mouth. I felt as though I got more 'bang' per gram from the second experiment because I held the sludge roughly twice as long and swished it around like mouthwash quite a bit.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2009Views: 25,187
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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