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Hard to Pin Down
Sceletium tortuosum & Cigarettes
Citation:   kidkanna. "Hard to Pin Down: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum & Cigarettes (exp64833)". Dec 4, 2022.

  smoked Sceletium tortuosum
    insufflated Sceletium tortuosum
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I had been curious about kanna for some time, so I picked up a 3 gram vial at a headshop, along with a gram of Sinicuichi (which was far more worth it, but thats another story). Kanna is very hard to pin down exactly in its effects, at least for me. Smoking it produces a slight visual distortion, as in things get just a little bit blurry or warped when I'm not looking at them directly, especially text. A pleasant feeling slowly builds, but it is certainly not euphoric or anything to rave about. Nice, but not great, and the term I attach to kanna, VAGUE.

I have made a loose-leaf tea out of 1.3 grams, with no sugar or anything, and besides having an interesting but not too bad taste, it had lightly stimulating while sedating effect. Coffee seemed to be more enjoyable in effect as this was just more weird and vague than anything. Not an awful experience by any means, just not suited for a workplace environment:)

Oral consumption does little to nothing for me.
Oral consumption does little to nothing for me.
The most effective and enjoyable method of taking kanna I've found is to snort it. I make sure it is fully pulverized into a fine powder. I cut two long lines, about an 1.8 inches each, rail them, than wait. Again, the effect is vague but the most defined of all the methods. A slight stimulation comes over me, like something is about to happen or I'm coming up on a stimulant
A slight stimulation comes over me, like something is about to happen or I'm coming up on a stimulant
such as coke, sans any full blown ego enhancement or teeth grinding. Maybe a minor increase in confidence and the urge to talk, but nothing yerba mate can't provide. Twenty five minutes later and I'm coming down in a nice way. I imagine that I would have to blow at least two, four inch lines to get anything close to what can be called euphoria, but that's just me. The upside to this stimulation is that it isn't rough or edgy in the manner amps and coke can be, mainly because it never kicks into second gear. Nice from time to time, but not worth 45 dollars a vial. I am coming down slowly after blowing 2 lines, and felt more motivated than usual to write this, and with a pretty clear head/steady flow of thought. I feel relaxed and comfortable laying here bed.

I would like to note that smoking a cigarette after smoking kanna seems to nullify the stimulant effects
smoking a cigarette after smoking kanna seems to nullify the stimulant effects
and produce a more sedating one, similar to taking an excess amount of kava then making the mistake of plopping on the sofa. Again, vague, but interesting, yet nowhere near as fun as Sinicuichi.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 4, 2022Views: 352
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Sceletium tortuosum (179), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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