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Trying It Out
Sildenafil (Viagra)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Trying It Out: An Experience with Sildenafil (Viagra) (exp64861)". Feb 24, 2018.

50 mg oral Pharms - Sildenafil (pill / tablet)
As there are not many reports on the effects of Viagra by itself, I figured I would like my experience with it. I am a 6'2, 18 year old male with no erectile dysfunction. I have a 7' 2/16 inch penis. I have experience with a good number of hallucinogenics, and had done some the previous day. Normally when I have sex I will get a hard erection the first time. And then after I finish, I will get a not so hard, but still full erection. After myself, my wife will go on top, and finish. She always gets pain if she has sex after finishing, which is otherwise easy to achieve for her, except while drinking she doesn't get this pain. And when she is drunk she get orgasms the easiest. So I figured this would be worth a try to make a night interesting, except maybe only me, you, and the trees need to know about his.

While sober my average time is 10-15 minutes for the first finish. While 3 minutes being a low amount of time. And the longest without finishing once being 3 or so hours from 3am-6am and then stopping from exhaustion I had drank a few beers earlier, and my wife had drank a few pints of 50% southern comfort.

Before I was to try it in bed. I wanted to try it alone. Tonight I took the 50 mg, at 9:30pm. I figured I would play some video games until it kicked in. I started to get a mild headache at 10:10 (+0:40). After ten more minutes, I quit the videos games, and turned on porno on my computer. Getting a erection was not 'automatic', but was just as easy as any other day, except I did have to touch a little.

I finished within 5 minutes. Which is normal for how I was trying to do it. Then my penis was very sensitive, which is normal afterwords, and got a little flimsy, but stayed erect. After 30 seconds my penis became fully hard again. After this it took me 12-13 minutes to finish, but my penis stayed fully erect. I finished one more time to see if I would stay hard, only for experimentation, not out of any sexual drive at all. I had no will to continue. And it continued to stay hard after my third time. But I had no ambition at all to continue. After a few minutes it went away un-noticed.

I believe viagra did not help me achieve a harder erection, but it did make my erection stay up if I wanted it to.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64861
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2018Views: 5,427
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Pharms - Sildenafil (130) : Alone (16), First Times (2), General (1)

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