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First Impressions
Citation:   lost in smoke. "First Impressions: An Experience with Ketamine (exp64872)". Apr 13, 2018.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I'm a new user to Ketamine but am already very excited by this drug. I have tried this drug nasally and have never accurately measured my dose. However I have picked up a few observations on the effects of this drug

I am not trained in any field, and am young, but am interested in the effects of society and chemicals on the mind.

1. When used in small quantities (less that 100mg) social barriers seems to be broken down, and inhibitions fall. I can compare this to small quantities of alcohol. Similarly they both effect eyesight and balance. In contrast, and this is a very important contrast- Ketamine, unlike alcohol, allows very objective self observation- I feel I am able to analyse my thoughts and psyche very easily, whereas on alcohol there are floods of irrational emotions. (I am using alcohol as a compare because it allows me to put into words the effects of K.

2. When on higher doses for me (200mg) I become weightless. My eyes seems to turn into my mind, I visualise my thoughts as if I'm dreaming, almost like lucid dreaming however I instigate the beginning of the dream. My thoughts and fears are made obvious to me but not in a scary way.

3. Ketamine, unlike hallucinogens does not (in my opinion) have a come up. It has a come down (as it is an anaesthetic). For me, this allows an easier ride because there is no period of nervousness surrounding entry into Ketamine’s effects. This is a very far sighted comment, but the fearless observations of my own psyche has led me to consider the possibilities of this drug aiding people in psychiatric therapies.

My next move is to buy micro scales, read Jansen’s book on the effects of K and to make heavily sure that I don’t become addicted to this substance!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64872
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 1,007
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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