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Inhaling in a Coffin
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Post-d. "Inhaling in a Coffin: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp64917)". Dec 10, 2018.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Nitrous trips while stoned and in a Coffin.

I have found that taking Nitrous hits while high sends me on different trips depending purely on my location, which include inside a coffin which yielded the strangest of all experiences. I only smoke maybe once every two weeks (I prefer the use for studying the effects, not for recreation), almost never do nitrous, and do not regularly use any other drugs. In all cases I smoked a bowl or two of weed, then did nitrous using a balloon and cracker. The first two hits are warm up, and by the 3rd – 8th I get intense trips. After about 8 hits of nitrous I seem to lose the ability to have much of any effect take place, so I think there is some sort of saturation point in the experiences. The most interesting aspect has to be that in each location I have tried this, while distinctly different from other locations, the trip type is repeatable.

Experience type 1: Sober + Nitrous. On its own, I get the shortest effect, a euphoric feeling of peace, a little of the giggles, a pulsing in sounds (like “whoam whoam whaom”), and a tingling sensation of the skin. Then it’s back to normal and a bit of disappointment in the results.

Experience type 2: Sitting in (so far) any room while stoned and taking Nitrous. I feel a strong urge to get into a sort of meditation position, even though I have never tried meditation or had any notion that I should try sitting like that while on drugs. But it’s a feeling as if a magnetic or gravitational force that I could probably overpower yet feel so right to move with, that coaxes me into position. It feels “right”. And once I sit there Indian style with my hands in a prayer position I feel a pull in the muscles at the back of my neck as a desire to point my face to the ceiling and close my eyes. A ringing in my ears gets extremely intense and multiple tones become one. I feel my head get heavy and want to roll in circles, and then lighten as if an invisible whirl pool spun my forehead to its center. Then a feeling of tingling all over and all my muscles go limp, my head slouches down and I feel...different. Like me but also not. I stand up and begin to move about with my eyes closed, I laugh and say strange things, and I feel that I am something like a deep layer of my subconscious now in direct control, and I’m in total amusement that I’m “driving” the body instead of sort of taking a back seat. After maybe a minute I drop to the floor then laugh and feel totally normal again, and usually say, “wow, ok, I’m back”. I’m not sure what to make of the experience because I have full memory of the trip, yet I’m not the same “me” that I normally am when I go into that state. I say strange things as if I know them. Claims about the future or reality which I later write off as subconscious nonsense, like how in a dream I sometimes see such random things based on the fact that I’m dreaming and dreams can be weird.

Experience type 3: Stoned with Nitrous hit in a coffin. A friend who is into “magick” (I don’t know that I believe in any of that, but I am open to the fact that I don’t know what exists, be it God, majick, aliens, ghosts, etc. So I am open to hear what others have to say.) She has a coffin which I later learned she used to use as an alter. It’s a very basic looking coffin, thin wood, no frills. I was shocked by the experience I had, not expecting anything to happen, but having never been in a coffin before. Rather than the meditation pose I simply laid back and zoomed off into a feeling of pure energy. No sense of body or self, just an overwhelming euphoria to which nothing else has ever come close, and a feeling like I was part of one with everything, as if I had peeked into the essence of something profound. Have you heard of free writing? Where you just loosen up and write whatever you happen to write. Well I “free spoke” I said what I said without contemplating the words. The most common things I’ve said in this state were, “I am everything all at once, I am every moment, every time, always and since forever, the goal of everything is to be one, I will be everything, we will all be one” etc, and usually begin to laugh hysterically for a minute or two. Then I feel like of silly as my friends stare at me, and I shrug it off saying, “yeah, ignore that, I don’t know what that was all about”. But it’s definitely not for attention, it’s just the words that hit me if I’m in the coffin. I feel kind of silly to have people witness this.

Experience type 3: Stoned with Nitrous while under my covers in bed. I revisit the sensation of a salvia trip I had while trying something new. Except without the terror. I retain enough memory to know I’m on drugs and not freak out. But I get reduced to nothingness and chaos, yet this time can enjoy the random thoughts because I know what’s going on. Although I have to seriously contemplate which is reality, my thoughts or my memories. Because at the time, the pulsing random thoughts and intense sounds of frequencies seem more real than the idea that I’m in a room and have a physical body. As I come back, I feel as if I am not a whole, but every particle that makes me up is in a way spate yet sharing a singular thought process. Like the borg on startreck. And this shared consciousness tends to think, “oh crap, he took drugs again, we left reality again”. It’s something hard to truly describe unless you are feeling it.

I honestly don’t know what to make of it all, and don’t know if I will continue or not, due to my fear of giving myself brain damage or something. It would be a bit ironic to screw up my life in an effort to better understand it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64917
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2018Views: 1,029
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