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Citation:   MunkyJuce69. "Opiozediocaine: An Experience with Kratom (exp65032)". Jan 23, 2014.

4.5 g oral Kratom
I bought a live Mitragyna speciosa tree off an auction website and the shipper was nice enough to give several free entheogen samples, one being a 'NEW Super Premium Thailand Kratom - Free 10 Gram Sample'. Since I recently quit hard drugs, and experiences are mixed of being sickening and opiate like, I decided to try this 'soft' drug possibly being an alternative to opiates.

So I read the reports and dosage information, and me being me decided to try a large dose. First I tried using my pocket scale to weigh it, but its fine powder thinner than dust, so I had to bag it, and me having no celophane bags at the moment decided to just spoon it out. I used a little less than half of the bag, so I'm guessing it was between 4-5 grams.

T+15. I'm mellow as shit. Kinda dizzy, like from overdosing on heroin.

T+45. Feel a little nausious, no where near the level most users report though. I feel really messed up like I took a mg and a half of xanax, yet energized like dextro-amphetamine (Adderall) does.

T+1:30. I'm ready to fuck a horse and the rip out its entrails, eat them, then jump off a cliff, yet I don't have near the inhibiton to do it. I never thought I'd find a substance that makes me energized yet sedated at the same time. I keep near falling asleep at my desk and standing up, then I try to sleep and can't. Sounds like methadone.

T+2:00. I'm starting to come down a litte, but reeeeally want to do something, except leave this chair. My body is covered in sweat like cocaine does, and I'm stumbling and talking like I'm drunk. I want to go fuck the shit out of my girlfriend (more than usualy) but I would have to leave this chair to do that. I'm anxious like coke, but mellowed like benzediopenes and happy like heroin. Every other minute I switch from study mode to pass out to inebriated mode. I'm occasionally having hallucination flashes like low doses of LSD/LSA, and even had a couple deliriations, like delirients (ex. atropine, diphenhydramine) cause, without the anti-cholleric effects. I was also able to distinguish they were fake, and went away after blinking a few times or turning away.

T+2:30. Hmmm...maybe I was slightly wrong about coming down. In fact, the only coming down slowly I did was walk down the steps, and about half way went pretty fast (my leg still hurts, and my arm still bleeds). I want to some physical labor or have hot passionate sex, but know I'm too fucked up to do that. So I grab a Dr. Pepper instead. I go back to my room, and continue shopping on eBay. Just then one of those anti-marijuana commercials come on TV, and at first I'm all violent and talk to the TV cussing it out saying all sorts of profane words at the drug czar that don't even exist, then laugh my ass off at it, wondering who's more stupid, the commercial or me. My body is pouring sweat like I just dropped 3 hits of X. I'm kinda getting scared, but I'm also like 'fuck it'.

T+3. Now I'm coming down and pretty fast too. I'm still a horndog, but am a lot more tranquil and nice. I am also able to study for my RedHat exam a hella lot better. I'm still pretty hot.

T+3:30. I feel pretty much the same as t+3, but am almost back to normal temperature.

T+4. I feel completely sober, except a little mellow.

When I woke up I head a very slight headache and dry mouth, but not near the hangover that excessive ethyl (alcohol) causes. I can say Kratom is just like an opiate, yet completely different, a mix of several drugs plus one in its own. I think the reason for my extreme intoxication and inebriation is the high-first-time dose I took.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65032
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 4,722
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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