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Smashing My Head on the Basketball Court
Citation:   JeeJeeLamorozo. "Smashing My Head on the Basketball Court: An Experience with GHB (exp65107)". Nov 2, 2018.

  oral GHB
I'm a 30 years old french canadian man who had his share of experiences with drugs. Bad drugs: heroin, speed, cocaine, pcp, alcohol, and not too bad ones: marijuana, mushrooms, salvia, lsd... I used to fit GHB in the latter category but I aint sure about that anymore...I'm writing this to those interested in experimenting with the 'juice' and to hard-heads who understimate the danger of the juice with time. See I've been using GH-juice on and off (but rather on!) for the past three years so I know the game a lil.

The day before I did the juice I slept only 2 hours and after had a stressful day taking care of old folks at work. But anyways that evening I did a big cap of GHB after dinner to relax cuz my head was feeling like a pressure cooker, I just cant function normally without my sleep I feel like I'm living a lsd come-down yuk! Ok, my friend calls me about 40 minutes after dinner to go chill at the basketball court and play a little 21. I was starting to feel better anyways so I tought it was a good idea. Forgetting I had taken the juice right after dinner I tought it had all entered my brain but dats the problem, because of the food it wasnt all metabolized yet. So thinkin it wasnt enough I did a half a cap more and went to the court. Let me specifie dat this is sum strooong salty juice!

I arrived at the court with no more inhibitions, eager to shoot sum incredible 3-points (yes I'm white(!)) and was having a lot of fun....for a while...

After about 40 minutes at the court I was starting to be unable to focus on the ring or the ball and I was losing my sense of balance too. I was joking about it in the beginning but after a while I knew I was getting way too fuct up. I sat leaning on a fence for a while saying at my friend how fuct up I was getting. I was starting to hear zapping sounds in my brain every 30 seconds and every time I heard those a muscle would twitch or lose its power so I was looking like a nodding retard. I was thinking ouch is that sum brain cells being zapped? This is went I blacked out... The next 2 hours I dont remember anything except what my friend told me. I was lying not moving and once in a while I was screaming or mumbling nonsensical words. The worst part is when I started to shake and bang my head hard and fast on the concrete...ouch...NOT cool...My friend was cool and after the 4th hit on the concrete he managed to stop me. Thx man I think I would have ripped my head off. I woke up after 2 hours of blackout, it was dark outside and I heard people who were not there 2 hours ago ( 2 minutes in my perception) so I was like whut?the?hell?happened???? Who are those people! If it wouldnt have been for the headbanging I would have woke up refreshed cuz I managed to get up and shoot a couple more before going home...

Well lets wrap it up. Its been 3 days since that stupid episode and I still got pain to my forehead. Its bruised and the blood is drying up.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65107
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 2, 2018Views: 2,372
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GHB (25) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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