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Always a Down-Side
by w
Citation:   w. "Always a Down-Side: An Experience with Tramadol (exp65249)". Feb 12, 2018.

  repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I'm using ultrams for opiate withdrawals...used buprenorphine which used to work well, and injectionbups are very addicted also...ultrams which work great beside the fact that I didnt know that withdrawals came with it just like a real opiate would...not until I read it online first then really felt it after being off it for over 24 hours...this stuff works, and I would never exceed over 200mgs because of the side-effects it can have from what I've read...after I taper of this crap I'm done for good...I'm tired of this lifestyle...happy revelations and be careful with this stuff...

P.S.trying to kick opiate style withdrawals with kratom also...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65249
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2018Views: 1,086
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47)

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