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Yes, It Does Work
by bp
Citation:   bp. "Yes, It Does Work: An Experience with Kava (exp65323)". Jun 4, 2018.

30 capsls oral Kava (capsule)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
codeine replacement

I just thought I would do a quick report on my new experiance with kava. First off, I normally have a high tolorance with any substance I try, and my weapon of choice is usually codeine/hydrocodone but after reading some of the reports online about kava having the same effects I thought I would give it a whirl. With that said, I went over to a local vitamin store and bought a bottle of 240pills being 250mg each pill with 30% extract so about 75mg kavalactones each. Even after reading some of the reports about the pills doing next to nothing lemme tell you that is false, I just have to take more than I normally would if I had the real deal, since I suppose the pill forms are not as potent.

I first started small as with any new substance with 15caps, and really felt nothing except a lil more relaxed and then followed by drowsiness, nevertheless was a lil dissapointed. I waited 2 days later then up the does to 30 and wow, that made all the difference. It took awhile to finally hit, almost 5hrs, but when it did, it made it worth all the wait. I felt JUST like an opium/codeine buzz if not stronger with my body feeling warm and fuzzy just like codeine while also taken care of the headache that I previously had earlier. This lasted about and hour and a half with it slowly going down to baseline. Even after the buzz was worn off, I still felt real relaxed for about 3-4hrs.

Now here's something that I didn't seem to find out in any other report that I found out the other night and even tested it out again to see if it really worked. The 2nd time I had taken my normal dose I had drank an energy drink that I had already got at Racetrac gas station from the fountin and after I had down the pills and 20-30mins later was thirsty and decided to drink the rest of my energy drink, about 20mins later I felt the same buzz coming on except without the long wait. Instead of taken almost 5hrs it was less than an hour until I was really feeling it. I dunno if this was due to the Ginsing or Taurine that was in the energy drink that activated them quicker or maybe it was just my bodys reaction between them but so far it has happened twice in a row. Just thought it was worth mentioning if anyone else wanted to try with any luck, like I said maybe its just me.

Overall I would have to said that Kava makes a wonderful replacement for codeine and def. Gets the job done and will continue to use it whenever I just need a night to just relax and enjoy its full effects. Like I said, YES the pills DO WORK that I find at local vitamin stores I just need to up the dose more than I normally would since I guess they just are not as potent as the real deal.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2018Views: 1,219
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