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Assumed Insanity and Adapted Recognition
Citation:   bickoma. "Assumed Insanity and Adapted Recognition: An Experience with LSD (exp65500)". Oct 6, 2018.

2 tablets oral LSD (gel tab)
2 amber lsd geltabs ingested sublingually at 10pm.


Time lost its meaning years ago. Years?

'Picture yourself in a boat on a river...'

I grip the twin-sized boat-mattress for life support. Questioning reality, and the existence of an infinitely small number, I ponder my sanity. What makes it possible for me to make it possible to take this substance, and why is it possible? I questioned psychedelics as a whole - what do I get out of them, besides beginning to question the very constructs of my own brain? Lacking proper judgement at the time, I felt as if my brain was becoming bankrupt over and over again for questions it didn't have answers to.
I felt as if my brain was becoming bankrupt over and over again for questions it didn't have answers to.

At around 2:30am, I connected with my cat in an incredible way. As if the process of the tracking mechanism in a jet's missile launching system was in reverse, he absolutely freaked out to say the least. Hopping around the patterns on the floor, it was obvious I had affected this creature using my mind and body language.

I realize how much friendship plays a crucial roll in how I maintain a day to day life - simple things like a chat conversation affect me in so many subtle ways that must built up in some way. It becomes apparent to me music taste is heavily influenced on one's personal tempo. As far as hallucinations go, I visually witnessed the question of whether God exists in my desk, and it's impossible for me to answer with logical thinking. However, do I really think all of this is possible because of chance?

My room's center table retracts its legs and begins to float into the air. The Capri Sun's drink art of a beach part turned into an alien acid drinking bath. Cars outside sound like space ships launching at hyperspeed. My speakers fill with color, flowing like a DDR step chart with 50 feet in multiple ways. My icons on my desktop float, as if bobbing on top of the water. It becomes absolutely obvious how the Beatles were influenced by psychedelics. The album art of Revolver shows just how much these guys were directly influenced by this type of thinking. As I listen to several Beatles songs (Strawberry Fields Forever, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Taxman, etc.), the pictures I am staring at literally come to life. Focus shifts in the photographs - I can see and feel the wind pushing elements of the trees in pictures. Top-down, aerial photographs of the Earth warp into 8-bit style pieces of art. I find it particularly amusing how I can transform pictures at will into cartoons / 8-bit creations. One extremely memorable hallucination was watching a picture of the coast of California turn into top-down Starcraft-style spaceships engaging in war, while transporting troops on a dynamic playing field.

Memorable thoughts:

- does M.C. Escher's art make it more trippy for you when you're tripping? 'Hawww tripppayyyy is attttt?!'
- fixed size, variable depth. (the world's questions and answers.)
- lsd makes me question important ideas like, lsd, reality. what defines me from you? my chemical reactions from yours?
- is reality unreal? only in an unreal reality. :)
- we need more gauges! more gauges for deceleration and acceleration!

Throughout my trip, a key piece of artwork popped up often. An extremely psychedelic piece of artwork, a side-piece to my room, cycled through millions of colors. Seeing black and white was simply a matter of perception. This art felt as if it was a living piece of emotion, a snapshot of the artist's feeling and life at the time of the creation. It was up to me to interpret this in a personal way, and I feel it followed the general trip mentality of big-shark little-shark.

Big-shark little-shark, you might ask? It's impossible to explain, but perhaps you've experienced it before. I'll rest on that thought. Until next time?

- bickoma

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65500
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2018Views: 1,049
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LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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