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What a Shock!
Citation:   Stubeedoo. "What a Shock!: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp65730)". Jun 5, 2019.

4 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
I am a recovering Alcoholic and am a using Codeine Addict.

I felt enough was enough, and I went to my local Alcohol & Drug center to genuinely get help. I had done some research on the Net and decided I'd like to slowly detox using Subutex (Buprenorphine) as it did not create as much of that addictive Euphoria. Any way I went to the Docs on Tuesday, the Doc told me to return in 48 hours and to not take any more Codeine between that time.

This morning I went to the Docs (in terrible state of withdrawal - Sweats, Anxiety, Crawling Skin, sneezing & bone ache). I was taken into this room where a panel of 4 people were sat on a table opposite me. I was told how it all worked
I was taken into this room where a panel of 4 people were sat on a table opposite me. I was told how it all worked
- i.e. for the first 3 administrations I would need to do this at the center in the presence of the Nurse, 2 Councilors & a Pharmacist. When I was in front of the Panel I felt quite Humiliated and ashamed, it may have been in my mind but I felt that they looked down on my from Quite a height. They seemed very surprised when I told them I had a full time Job.

Sat at the desk opposite the panel of 4, there was a medical form I had to sign, and 2 medicine cups (small paper cups that you get medication in, in hospital). In 1 cup was just some water - in the other cup there was two 2mg tablets of Subutex (Buprenorphine). They explained how I should take it, then I swilled my mouth with water and swallowed it, and placed the 2 Subutex’s under my tongue. The tablets immediately started to dissolve, however it created a lot of saliva which I was reluctant to swallow, and when the pharmacist started asking me questions I must have been lisping like a toothless tramp.

After a couple of minutes or so I felt the loving feeling of my Withdrawal dissipate and then Euphoria (what how could this be happening!). I then left the center and walked home.

My experience is as follows.

T 00:00 - Sublingually administered 2, 2mg Buprenorphine tablets.

T 00:02 - Felt the withdrawals start to melt away.

T 00:10 - Felt a wave of Euphoria and all my worries disappeared. I also noted a speedy effect - Similar to that of feeling a bit wired after a strong Coffee.

T 00:30 - The Euphoria has intensified and I am really enjoying this sensation.

T 01:00 - I am now writing this report and the Euphoria has hit a plateau, but it is lasting.

Wow I am surprised that I have had this effect, but at the same time a bit guilty because it is supposed to be aiding my recovery. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow, where Ill be boosted up to 8mg.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65730
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 1,336
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Addiction & Habituation (10), First Times (2), Hospital (36)

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