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Possible Poisoning, I Couldn't Breathe
H.B. Woodrose
by TC
Citation:   TC. "Possible Poisoning, I Couldn't Breathe: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp65749)". Jun 22, 2021.

9 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
My friend had bought the seeds from a local store (a store like lowes), and had been taking them a few times before I tried it, with mild effects.

I took nine, because it didnt kick in for an hour or more. I experienced the normal vomiting experience, until I got home and I tried to sleep and something told me there was something very wrong, my stomach felt worse than I had ever experienced, and I was having alot of trouble breathing.

I went outside and the next thing I know I went into a deep bad trip, the world was closing in on itself, the cul de sac I was in closed up, there was no outlet and I lost all conception of time and place. The world was a dark horrible place and I was laying in a gutter and I didnt know where I was. Friends came to my aid and after a while I seemed alot better, they talked me down and my stomach felt better after they made me vomit about 5 times. They stayed for about 2 hours, then I seemed ok to go home.

I got into my room and then my breathing would quit altogether. I would start to fall asleep and next thing I knew I would be gasping for air. It got to a point where I couldnt breathe normally at all. My heartbeat was really faint, and I would have to fight to stay awake cuz every time I relaxed at all I would stop breathing.

It lasted all night. I would experience a adrenaline jolt over and over, gasping at the same time. Even in the morning my breathing was labored, but at that time the good side of the seeds were kicking in, even though I couldn't breathe the world was bright and happy and it was the best and worst experience I ever had
it was the best and worst experience I ever had
. Without taking those seeds and getting sick there were problems that would have never gotten resolved. I felt this renewed sense of self, my life at that point had been very tumultuous but when I took the seeds and had that experience it showed me alot of things didnt matter.

I was not only experiencing poisoning but I took too much and I had a bad trip triggered from the poisoning.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65749
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2021Views: 694
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