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A Very Physical Euphoria
Bromazepam & Cannabis
Citation:   bennos. "A Very Physical Euphoria: An Experience with Bromazepam & Cannabis (exp65798)". May 30, 2018.

15 mg oral Bromazepam (pill / tablet)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 cup oral Caffeine (liquid)
Beats valium in all aspects

A short background: You name it I've binged on it but 'hooter' marijuana has always been there. Anyways I decided to get off the 'hooter' so the docs threw packet upon packet of 5mg valiums at me and before I knew it I was off the hooter and on the valium so in order to ween me off the valium they gave me bromazepam 3mg.The equivelant of 5mg valium? Any ways I did as told and slowly reduced number and frequency of use and I'm glad to say I've been off both for some months now and havent returned to hooter. Except yesterday a mate of mine threw me a very thin joint. I refrained from smoking it till I noticed I still had 5 3mg bromazepam sitting on the shelf so I thought why not I digested the bromazepam waited 5-10 mins and lit up and iam enjoying a very physical euphoria whilst also feeling the sedative side of the bromazepam but a cup of coffee slowly drank sorted that and now I'm going into my 4th hour of this wonderful full body stoned feeling I've never felt before.Well thats about it from me at the 4-5 hour mark things start to slowly where off but I'm sure abeer or another joint would help pick me back up where I was.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2018Views: 3,857
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Bromazepam (654), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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