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Way Below Expected Effect
by Ob
Citation:   Ob. "Way Below Expected Effect: An Experience with MDA (exp65820)". Sep 19, 2007.

T+ 0:00
  insufflated MDA
  T+ 0:12   oral Vitamins / Supplements
[Erowid Note: Claims of measured dosages of pressed pills are usually unsupported. Without further detailed information about how the measurements were derived, it is reasonable to assume that statements about the dosages of chemicals in pressed pills are either misinformed or overstated.]

total weight dosage 70mg insulfated
figure about 25mg other so roughly 45mg of pure which should provide a peak of aprx 1.5hr

aprx. 45mg dosage. just under the 50mg dosage level of 1.5 hr peak (as said by Shulgin's Notes study)

T0:00 (7:17) - Very tasty in my opinion. almost a sweet taste as its going up...

T:0:12 - dropped multivitamin for tomorrows sake

T:0:19 - palms a bit sweaty face a bit sweaty. im a HEAVY sweater on e.. mainly because i primarly dose at partys, i dance a lot.... we'll see how this experiment goes.. currently listenin to only the filthiest of the filth electro house has to offer

T:0:27 - feelin more awake.... very very very minor body high

T:0:33 - closing my eyes and listening to the beat feels very very nice.. but when i focus back on what im doing im totally in tune

T:0:46 - not really.... 'high'. definitely stimulated and awake. pupils not dilated at all

T:1:01 - hmmm... no pupil dilation, no peak after 1 HR on a somewhat empty stomach

T:1:30 - just got done laying down with some music on for a few minutes... not a whole lot to say other than im awake and feeling stimulated....'kinda' i guess.

T:1:40 - went downstairs into the common area for a few minutes, my state is absolutely altered, definitely no 'peak'. This is more than likely because I took 1 wafer followed by half a wafer insulfated followed by another full pill later the next day and finally another half insulfated at 6pm on a sunday after beginning the first drop at 10pm on saturday night.... fucking amazing high without any adverse affects really... i was drinking a lot of alcohol and weed occasionaly through out the experience
T:2:30 - had an awesome conversation with my little sister whom i moved away from this year.... i still feel high. it's very subtle and almost like meth was but not at all at the same time..... i enjoyed myself but would never do this low of dose from this particular batch again. i miscalculated fully.... if i assumed 240mg press, 160mg actual mda, that should be 80mg of other... so i only weighed out about 70mg, i should have weighed out 130mg which would possibly equal around 50mg of pure. i may test that out again, who knows.....

I'm assuming my calculations were way off, or tolerance of MDA is similar to MDMA which for some reason I was under the impression it was totally different because redosing works so well on MDA..... Anyways.... later on in the week im considering taking 120-130MG which based on my above calculations should truely equal 45-50MG which is supposed to provide a 1.5hr peak..... we shall soon see.....

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 19, 2007Views: 1,626
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MDA (34) : Alone (16), General (1)

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