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Pleasant Surprise
Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone)
by Jay
Citation:   Jay. "Pleasant Surprise: An Experience with Buprenorphine with Naloxone (Suboxone) (exp65846)". Oct 11, 2010.

8 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
  4 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine (pill / tablet)
Approximately 2 years ago, I went into the ER with very sharp pain in my lower back and down my left leg and was told I had severe sciatica. This was extremely painful and I was given some painkillers and told basically I would have this the rest of my life. This was the beginning of my drug addiction to vicodin.

For a while, I got bye taking just one ES Vicodin for the pain and then was really liking the buzz on it. Sure vicodin helped my back but the feeling I got warm and fuzzy from it was great too. Currently my daily usage for vicodin is about 70-80mg and for me that signifies a problem. Anyways, I heard about a drug called Suboxone that contains buprenorphine (sounds a lot like morphine doesn't it?) that helps people get off of vicodin. I did research and found a local doctor who specializes in this and saw him today. I was told to make sure I went into the doctors appointment in withdraws and I didn't take any vicodin for about 48 hrs and was feeling it. Runny nose, ready to jump out of my know the drill.

I was prescribed 8mg of suboxone per day (which is quite expensive without insurance) and went home as quick as I could and slid a pill under my tongue. Within 40 minutes my withdraw symptoms were completely gone and I was in such a great mood! I had so much energy BUT this sure did and does feel like being high on a nice dose of vicodin. I got home and just grabbed the lawnmower and mowed the grass, came inside and said to myself 'now what' with all this energy. I called my wife (not telling her how high I felt) telling her it's the greatest drug in the world my withdraw symptoms are gone.

I just took another 4mg about 2.5 hours ago and feeling very high. Hard to concentrate and even type this and have read so much that this doesn't get you high. A friend said it got him a little high the first time and then just felt normal afterwards so who knows........but right now this is unreal.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2010Views: 38,633
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Naloxone (339) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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