Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Mother Nature's Control Vessels
Citation:   Tanesus. "Mother Nature's Control Vessels: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp65927)". Jan 4, 2018.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Okay, so, about 3 weeks ago, a few days before school, a couple of friends (Jessica and Cody) and myself decided to end the summer with a psychedelic trip to remember. So that night, I called Jess up and she picked up Cody and they went off to get us some shrooms. Later on that night we met at a restaurant and had a nice, non-fast-food shit dinner. Naturally, we ordered got bacon cheese burgers, and told them to hold the mushrooms. (for now... :D) So, we went at our dinner-- enjoyed ourselves, etc, etc, and just before we ate the last quarters of our burgers, we stacked about 3g of mush each in between our patties and had our last bites.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
About 5 minutes after eating the shrooms, we took off and drove to Cody's house where we parked the car for the night. We chilled in his room for a while... listened to some nice smooth psychedelic music, and anticipated the results of the mush. I played resident evil 4 for a while, and I had started to notice that Cody and Jessica were getting really giggly, Jess more so than Cody. I kept saying, 'this sucks. I'm immune to shrooms. blah blah blah.' so I took about another 2 grams over the course of half and hour. Finally, I came to the conclusion that maybe my unbreached focus on kicking some spanish-cult ass was taking away from the effects, so I turned off the game and let my mind go free. Fortunately, my hunch was right, because about 10 minutes after leaving Cody's house to walk around outside, the trip hit me like a ton of bricks.

Stage 1. We made some rounds about the neighborhood, walking up and down random streets, chuckling profusely at just about anything that came to conversation between our trio. We then found a path leading up a tree-covered hill, so we began to venture onwards. All I could think about was Narnia. It felt like I was entering my own Narnia. I kept asking my friends, 'where's the goat?' but to my demise... there really wasn't one. We kept walking onwards, laughing a lot, and having weed-like effects so far, everything was dark. We did a lot of cool stuff though. I found a cool bush and stood behind it, waving my hands around from behind it and making a voice for it, while Jess and Cody watched from in front... that only amused us for 15 minutes.

Stage 2. We had found a really nice place to sit. We sat on a bridge over a steadily flowing creek, with a tree lingering over us and traffic rarely whizzing by us from behind. All three of us sat there, deep in thought, forming the most absurd, but quite possibly theories and philosophies about life and the forces within it. We all stared at a street light for about an hour, because it would randomly shut off, then turn on yellow, then it'd go from yellow to red, and red to white, and white to the most spectacular blue color ever, with a gorgeous radiant aura around it, and suddenly it'd flick off... and the process would start over. But after 2 hours of conversing... it was time to move on.

Stage 3. Roaming the streets once again, we were rather mischievous that night. Climbing anything we saw, running up and down the streets screaming, you know, normal stuff. Then I had thrown on a really old granny sweater which I had found in Jess's trunk earlier that night, and began to walk around with a hunch, acting like some decrepit old woman. I disguised my voice and walked along the sidewalk screaming at my friends telling them to stop being such 'little buggers.' And that's when we found the vacant cement lot...

Stage 4. The three of us had all decided to lay down in this really random vacant cement lot in the middle of our neighborhood. I started to get these really fucked up ideas of religious views and meanings of life, and I grew to hate mother nature. I had convicted her of being the devil and I was paranoid that she had tricked me into eating the shrooms, using them as her home-grown vessels to my brain where she'd steal my infinite knowledge so that I would be like the rest of all the human beings. So for about 20 minutes long I was engaged in combat with her in my own head. I went into convulsions, my limbs throwing themselves all around the lot, my body contorting itself in ways unimaginable, i was crying and laughing at the same time, repeating over and over, 'I won't let you win, you fucking bitch.' I was going through emotional warfare, rolling all over the place, slamming my fists down and trying to regain stability. After I felt I had won... I flipped over onto my back... opened my eyes, and took a deep, long breath. I looked up at the sky, pink clouds were swiftly rolling in over the navy blue night sky. It almost felt as if it was a sign... the clouds being my force overpowering hers... For the next 30 minutes, everything anyone said to me, or anything I did, I was bold. Jess would offer me a cigar and I'd tell her that she was working for mother nature and was trying to infuriate me by offering me stuff, as if I couldn't do it on my own. I told her I was disgusted by her and that I didn't need her pathetic bullshit. I was God. I then climbed into Jess's car and locked the doors, claiming it as mine and NOT mother natures. I said I would use the car as a steel shell to contain my thoughts and my energy, so that I could fight against her once again.
...lmao. It was fucked.

Stage 5. So anyways, Cody went to bed, and Jess and I began to walk to my house which was only 6 blocks away. I was completely over the whole power trip and the raging wars against mother nature, haha. We concluded that that night was an AMAZING night. Everything turned out perfectly. The weather was amazing, the sky was astonishing, and the trip was an adventure. We had arrived at my house and fixed up some snacks, and I felt so good to be alive. I was so appreciative of everything. I felt proud that I was popular and spoiled, and for once in my life, I told myself that I really am amazing, and that's why so many people like me, and that I'm not a piece of crap.
I told myself that I really am amazing, and that's why so many people like me, and that I'm not a piece of crap.
But depression made me think that for the longest time. And I have to admit, even 3 weeks after that night, I still feel amazing. I had a psychedelic revolution, and it was amazing.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65927
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2018Views: 1,836
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Bad Trips (6), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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