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Beyond Our Grasp
by Bill
Citation:   Bill. "Beyond Our Grasp: An Experience with LSD (exp661)". Jun 23, 2000.

3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I was still an amateur at this point, only had taken sid about 3 times. Most of the summer had been spent smokin' and not doing much. I had been on the boat with two friends, had a blast and was wiped out. We got back to the house and did the usual, try and find some doja. We called this girl we knew just to talk, but she said she was busy. 'What are you talking about,' I ask and she replies 'Me and (some other weird girl) are gonna trip.' My heart jumped. 'Holy shit, can you get us some shit?' The answer had to be yes or else I couldn't tell about it. She came over with two other guys who had the whole freaking spectrum of gel, and some whack blotter. This was when geltabs were making it into the scene in my area and were quite expensive, so we settled for the Blue Moon (I was later told the dosage was around 200 mcg per hit), a blotter that had a Blue moon and some other drawing on it. The guys left and I was sitting there with five hits in my hand. I only took three (good thing) and saved some for later in the week. [Little did we know the conversation our friend had with the dealers. it went something like this: Dealer - 'your friends do a lot of acid?' Girl - 'I dont know, I guess so.' Dealer - 'Oh, well this acid is gonna kick their ass. (together) HaHaHaHa']

We took the hits, my one friend and I took three and the other took two, at about 6:30 and proceeded to my house to see if my parents were hiding any shit we could smoke. The theft was a success, hadn't been caught yet, and then went back to the starting place. Just chill'n on the couch when My #1 friend (the 3 hit friend; I will refer to him as #1 and the 2 hit friend to #2) said 'Dude, I think I'm feeling it.' and rambled about these glowing strings he had in his room. We all knew that hell was about to break loose any time now. We walked outside when #1 went off the wall. #2 and I kept telling him to calm down as people were walking their dogs and kids. It was about 7:30 now when #2 lost it. I was begging them to cool it and that they were insane, no pun intended. At the end of the street I was in uncontrollable laughter.

Going back to touch base, and get swim gear on and head to the neighborhood pool. Got there and were literally sucked in (actually figuratively, but the acid made it literal) and went about our lunatic way. It was 9:00 and all dark; the stars were trailing but no true visuals yet. I could stay underwater forever, looking into a green abyss and laying stagnant a meter down. We were yelling and laughing and holy shit. This was the most Pleasure I had felt in my life, like the world was one. We had tried to get out of the water but couldn't. It was the most challenging feat, to actually step out of the pool. We were joyed when #2 actually did it to get the time. We told him to stay and help us out but he was sucked back in. This pool had power that I had never before seen.

I came up from below and looked at the blue and white rope with buoys, It started to move and slither amongst itself like a threatened rattlesnake. I almost went berserko, and immediately we all go out. Heading back to the room should have taken 3 - 4 minutes but instead about 30. Getting to the room was like traversing a maze, very confusing. Space was shifting every which way and my teeth were grinding so much they made sparks. A mirror showed my thin body become even more thin and blue and wrinkled, almost like rotting away, not really freaking me out but making me uncomfortable and seeing how frail my mind is; to be incredibly changed by such a small amount of a small chemical. I quickly turned away and put my shorts in the dryer.

Damn, this is weird. Everything I look at is funny, the ashes of pot look like fleas running away, and it is so freaking dark. I took a walk by myself outside; the grass was cool-wet and I felt like a ball of energy, the size of my fist, where my heart would be with two wires attached to my eyes; Hovering. Like Emerson on once wrote, ”I become a transparent eyeball”. This was at 12:00 am and I still had six hours left.

We took a walk and the trees looked like plastic; my hand was melting into the colors. As I was walking I felt like I was getting shorter, then things would jolt and I’d be walking again. Then I started to taste the colors. It didn’t taste like chocolate or cheese, but it was a 5th taste. Like the four are Salt, Sour, Bitter, and Sweet; well Color was a fifth taste, really creamy and smooth. I mostly tasted Red, Green, and Purple. They were trying to mix together but couldn’t and constantly swirled. This taste persisted through the night. I was watching an episode of Taxi and it didn’t make any sense. I didn’t know what was going on. More mental hallucinations were seeing time. A wave with crests and troughs, and the part that was tripping was smeared everywhere. All three of us also had the urge for something. “I want something”, said #3. We all agreed but didn’t know what we wanted.

All was pretty much the same for the rest of the night. I guess I fell asleep at around 6:00 am and woke at 10:00 am. It didn’t feel like I had slept at all, just missing time. I have to say, I will always remember this, although it was really screwed up, I have had more pleasant trips. This just felt as if some sinister force was controlling it, controlling my mind. I guess that would be my society. We later came to the decision that what we wanted was to be sober. Thank God for that.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 661
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2000Views: 6,730
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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