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SO Damn Cold
Citation:   K Fan. "SO Damn Cold: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp66202)". Apr 29, 2018.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
After a long and upsetting attempt at growing my own mushrooms via PF tek I decided to try my new cubensis little smurfs. It was my first time expiriencing a drug other than cannabis and at the advice of my brother I tried them out with him in his apartment.

The appearance of my mushrooms frightened me slightly as they were in all likelihood moldy-having little white wispy hairs stemming out the bottom of most to all my specimen. We hadn't dried them up yet and decided to eat them regardless.

Worrying that the potency would be deminished if we ate our vodka rigitoni first we ate after ingesting my new friends. Within about 20 minutes each of us had eaten about half of our meals when the wood work on all his cabinets started to appear as if they were melting of the hinges. Upon inspection my brother correctly guessed I was 'feeling it' and even that I saw melting wood. We both enjoyed a good laugh at that for while and decided to continue eating only to find out that this was an increasingly difficult activity. Something like 10 minutes later I felt so incredibly cold and sat down on the couch. My brother still enthralled by the faint hallucinations found his way to where I was and informed me that I was completely flushed and my face pale white. As soon as I heard that nausea swept over me. I had a nice (for me) vomitting followed by a nice sense of comfort but my face was still pale. Enjoying the comforting feeling I noticed the visuals were virtually gone so me and my brother just sat talking until 5 in the morning when we FINALLY felt tired.

I would have to say that this expirience WAS rewarding and it made me understand the appeal of magic mushrooms. I've had more expiriences since then from the same batch but didn't feel the same. I've since discovered the batch I grew was pretty weak (according to my brother).

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 825
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Personal Preparation (45), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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