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Vaporization: A Calm Experience
Lavandula spp. (Lavender)
Citation:   Manic Volcanic. "Vaporization: A Calm Experience: An Experience with Lavandula spp. (Lavender) (exp66264)". Dec 30, 2009.

1 g smoked Lavandula spp. (dried)
I had just bought a Volcano vaporizer and wanted to test it out to make sure everything worked correctly. Lacking cannabis, I found some lavender flowers I had picked and dried earlier that summer. I ground them up in the grinder and loaded them into the vaporization chamber and turned the heat on low. I filled a large (5+L) bag up with the whitish mist and drew some into my lungs. The taste was pungent, but not overly so. I continued to inhale and exhale the mist until the entire bag was empty.

After about five minutes, I began to feel very calm and collected. I was comfortable with what was going on in my world. I had a definite tendency to smile more, and my lungs and sinuses felt very clear and open. I felt relaxed and awake. After about 10 minutes, this feeling passed, but the calmness stays. The Volcano manual suggested lavender as an aromatherapeautic for vaporization. It worked well. I think it would feel great when sick or congested as well.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66264
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2009Views: 12,817
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Lavandula spp. (461) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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