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Like Sailing away...Minus the Costly Yacht
Citation:   pharmgirl101. "Like Sailing away...Minus the Costly Yacht: An Experience with Diazepam (exp66283)". Jun 24, 2020.

25 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
Well...I'm not new to drugs. And I'm not new to benzos. My first prescription for a benzo was in my freshman year of college. I had recently broken up with my high school sweetheard/fiancee. It left me devastated and with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality can imagine the depression rage and anxiety I was fighting. Three shrinks and two hospital stays later....voila the meds. I was prescribed Clonazepam 2 mg which I was instructed to split and use as needed. Well I needed them. I needed them BAD. So I didnt split them. I took them whole, and often and spent much of my freshman year in a benzo stupor.. I got my work done but that was about it I didnt have a care in the fucking world. LOVED IT.

Never having forgotten the supreme power of diazepams a few years later I decide to pick it up again. This time after having gotten into cocaine and having a few bad come downs which left me nearly suicidal. Benzos seemed to be the way to go. As luck may have it I landed myself in a position which granted me access to many many pharmaceuticals. Xanax bars, ativans, valiums you name an arms reach.

Tonight I fixed myself an amazing dinner....popped two ten mg valiums...and then upon second thought took another half, bringing me up to 25 mg. Well 20 normally knocks me out drifting me into a peaceful dreamy sleep. But I've always been one to push the envelope I was trying to feel goooood tonight.

30 min... I'm fading, I feel comfortable and amazing. All is right with the world. I feel like I'm floating in a big hot tub, or sailing rocking in the ocean.... No worries whatever...

45min...effects getting stronger... I can feel that extra 5 mg kick in pretty well because this is the most I've ever taken at once. Having recently recovered from pneumonia I'm gonna pick up my nice glass piece and smoke a quick bowl (god how I missed it) just hope I dont need my inhaler lol

1:10.....ahhh beautiful...I've got to get off this laptop and melt into my comfortable down bed.

I'm a rather small girl. But I've been fucking with drugs since I was about 12 years old so I know my limit. I probably wont push 25 or 30mg. And I certainly would NOT combine with another downer or a muscle relaxant. Just enjoy the bliss...this drug is best enjoyed alone or with a little nightcap of some decent grade cannibus. I just dont overdo it...enjoy the relaxation.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66283
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 4,112
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Pharms - Diazepam (115) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Depression (15), Unknown Context (20)

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