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Falling Over On Purpose
Citation:   acetone. "Falling Over On Purpose: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp66330)". Feb 8, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 5:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard  
Living in a small country town without the money or out-of-town contacts to get 'real' drugs, my friend (who I'll call 'C' in this report) and I decided to experiment with some substances we would be able to get our hands on easily. Although we'd read about nutmeg on the internet before, we'd never really considered actually trying it. Because nutmeg is so easily obtained, we'd always assumed that it wouldn't work.
Wow... we were wrong.

We were just hanging around at C's house when the idea hit me. It was after school on a Thursday, and we were pretty bored. We decided to have a couple of beers from C's older brother's bar fridge and tried to think of things to pass the time (seeing as neither of us wanted to do our homework). Somehow we got onto the subject of drugs - and I got the idea. We would take a container of ground up nutmeg to school the next day, eat some during lunchtime, and by the time we'd come back to C's house, we'd be 'trippin'. We planned to hold a sleepover, and we were lucky because the only one in C's family who would be home the next evening was her brother.

So the next day I went to school with the container of nutmeg and a tablespoon in my school bag. At lunchtime, we went to the canteen to prepare ourselves - we bought two bottles of Sprite-Zero. Then we inconspicuously wandered off to the (empty) soccer field and ate as much of the nutmeg as we dared. It was very difficult to eat - it had the texture of dust, and tasted horrible. It was really hard to swallow, and it left my mouth feeling gritty. I managed to take about 2 tablespoonfulls before I dry retched and skulled my Sprite. I'm not sure how much C took, but somehow she threw up in her Sprite, then drank it (spew and all) really quickly. By the time school ended at about 3:30 pm, nothing seemed to be happening, but when C looked at me she said my face was very flushed and my eyes were bloodshot. She said I looked stoned, but I wasn't feeling anything except a slight headache. It was about 3 hours after we'd taken the nutmeg.

When we got to C's house, we both had 1 beer, and at about 5:00 we had 1 shot of vodka each.

Things started getting interesting at about 7:30 pm.
The first thing I noticed was that C's eyes were very red, and my mouth felt really dry and I had trouble swallowing. I went to the kitchen sink to get some water, but I realised that I was carrying a bowl instead of a glass. I laughed at that for about five minutes, for some reason it was hilarious. I got out a glass and drank some water, and my mouth felt a bit better. Then C and I went to the lounge room to watch some TV. Neither of us wanted to sit normally, I don't know why but we both wanted to watch TV upside-down. We spent ages trying to stand upside down. We didn't end up watching the television at all. I was still trying to stand on my head, laughing at myself uncontrollably, when suddenly C gets up and starts running up and down the hallway like a horse. I can remember laughing really hard and then collapsing into a fit of giggles with C. Then I decided that I wanted to fall over again.

This is the weirdest bit of my story - I can't imaging why I did it.
I got up and ran outside, and immediately fell over on purpose on the lawn. It was night time and a cresent moon was up - the milky way was visible and the sky was really pretty. I stared at the stars for a few minutes, thinking 'oh, wow, how beautiful', and then suddenly jumped up and fell over again. Seriously, I just felt the urge to fall over. And every time I fell over, I wouldn't feel anything, and I'd just crack up laughing. C stood at the door watching me for a while, and then she just hurled herself onto the grass as well. It was a lot of fun, just falling over on purpose and staring at the sky and laughing like we were insane. Every time I'd try to stop laughing and catch my breath, more giggles would just bubble up in my throat and I'd roll around on the lawn, struggling to draw every breath.

Then, after a while, we went inside and spun around in the loungeroom, trying to be ballerinas. C's brother came home while we were doing this and thought we were drunk - he got mad because we'd had some drinks without his permission, but then he watched us for a while and forgave us because we were being so funny. C and I didn't see ourselves as funny, neither of us even knew why we were laughing so much... All I know is that I couldn't stop.

After pretending to be a ballerina for about half an hour, we went into the loungeroom again. I discovered the gold fish tank. C's brother said that I was just staring at the fish grinning and sometimes giggling like a half-wit.

I can't really remember anything clearly after that - I just know that at about 11:00 pm, we went to sleep. C told me the next morning that she had a lot of trouble trying to sleep, but I slept really heavily. Apparently at one point during the night, C went to the mattress that I was sleeping on and tried to wake me up, but she couldn't. She said she shook me really hard, and then she thought I was dead, but then I started muttering in my sleep and she left me alone.

The next day sucked - I remember that very well. We didn't do anything but laze around in the loungeroom drinking Coca Cola, watching movies, and eating junkfood. I had a killer headache and a queasy stomach, C had a queasy stomach as well but no headache. I threw up once, it burned my throat and left nutmeg in my teeth. I think that C puked two times. I know that we 'only' took ground nutmeg, which is said to be less potent than whole and fresh nutmeg, but I think that combined with alcohol (even a small amount as we'd had), two tablespoons of the stuff was enough to give me a great night... And a really ugly hangover.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66330
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2018Views: 1,507
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Nutmeg (41) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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