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2C-T-7 and MDMA, A Dangerous Combo
2C-T-7 & MDMA
Citation:   Lottie. "2C-T-7 and MDMA, A Dangerous Combo: An Experience with 2C-T-7 & MDMA (exp6668)". May 6, 2001.

1.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  35 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
A few weeks ago I took MDMA and 2ct7 together. I had taken 100mg of MDMA the previous night, sitting with my girlfriend in front of the fireplace in my house. It was a wonderful evening filled with conversation about our relationship. The following evening some friends and I planned on participating in a beach burn. I chewed some Black Black (caffeinated chewing gum) on the way to the event and was feeling charged and excited.

I was worried about toleration to the MDMA so I took 1 and 1/2 tablets (roughly 150mg) around 10pm along with 35mg of 2ct7 (in a gelcap). After about 45 minutes I started to feel the beginning effects of the MDMA. I didn't expect to get the effects of the 2ct7 until about 2 hours into the evening (1 hour to get through the jell cap and one hour for the 2ct7 to take effect, but after about an hour I knew something was wrong. I felt ill and vomited once.

The friends I went with decided that we should go home. We made it home about 20 minutes later and I vomited again in the car. I felt slightly embarrassed about the vomiting (it was my car), but I didn't feel uncomfortable.

At this point I started sweating, shaking and feeling strong feelings of energy flowing through my system. I sat on the couch facing my girlfriend and kept saying 'WHOA' over and over again as I felt surges of power. I woke up 6 hours later strapped down to a hospital bed hooked up to a catheter and EEG.

I don't remember anything else from the evening, but apparently I started acting violently. My girlfriend had bruises on the side of her knees where I gripped her; I punched one of my friends when he attempted to rescue my girlfriend and I damaged one of my houseplants and destroyed my dresser. After two hours of this my friends decided that I was in danger of hurting myself and them (I kept threatening to kill my girlfriend and myself). The ambulance came around midnight (along with the cops) to pick me up and I threatened the police and screamed at them.

I'm normally a mellow and friendly guy. I've taken 2ct7 1/2 a dozen times (usually in 70-80mg doses) and have always had a wonderful experience with nice visuals and no head trip. I've taken MDMA a dozen times in 100-300mg dosages and have always felt wonderful and happy. Combined they almost killed me (the hospital was seriously worried that I would have a heart attack). I've heard rumours about one other person having a simmilar reaction to 2ct7 and MDMA. Please be careful.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6668
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2001Views: 35,848
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2C-T-7 (54), MDMA (3) : Various (28), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)

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