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It Works Magic
Piracetam & Alcohol
Citation:   Broke Dave. "It Works Magic: An Experience with Piracetam & Alcohol (exp66705)". Dec 31, 2007.

2250 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
I recently ordered some Piracetam from an internet bulk supplier. I bought 700 grams for just over $20. What attracted me to this substance was how it supposedly helped reverse brain aging, increase cognition, and help counteract brain damage. Now I've done some drugs in my day. I used to do just about everything and I think DXM and ecstasy had the most negative impact on my brain. Not to say I had brain damage, I just think that my past drug use had some negative effects yet I was still able to properly perform my job as an aircraft structural maintainer for USAF cargo planes (the military's full of former drugees) and scored a 91 on my ASVAB while I was still smoking pot.

I noticed some positive effects as soon as I started taking it. The key is to keep a regular 3x daily regiment, 750mg each. Alcohol's effects are greatly increased when taking Piracetam. I used to be a semi-heavy drinker drinking 10+ drinks on an average drinking night. However when I started taking Sneaky Pete (as I call it), after around seven Coronas I ended up vomiting and was as hungover as I've ever been from drinking. My continued alcohol use decreased gradually but I didn't take P the days I drank. Now I have little to no desire to drink and am taking P 3x daily everyday now and it works a few times better for me. I'm also very glad that it helped me stop drinking regularly.

Overall I would recommend Piracetam to the whole world because it is extremely well tolerated by our bodies and it seems to only do good to me. Also I can't wait to go back home and try mixing it with various stimulants/psychadelics as it apparently skyrockets their effects. Have a great day!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66705
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2007Views: 24,186
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Piracetam (95), Alcohol (61) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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