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Nothing Special, But Fun
Citation:   Frank. "Nothing Special, But Fun: An Experience with Methylone (exp66757)". Nov 1, 2007.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits   MDMA  
  T+ 6:00   oral Alcohol  
  T+ 6:00 0.5 hits oral Methylone (liquid)
I dont know the mg dose but basically myself and 2 friends got 2 vials of methylone recently. One of my friends and I had shared a hit of E and were drinking lightly. Our other friend I believe had been doing some amphetamines before meeting us.

We decided to go to a club and meet up with one more friend (sober). Once we got in we took our hits of the methylone. I shared a hit with my friend. This drug should probably be taken in large dosages. After about 30 minutes I had some warm sensations hit me but nothing spectacular. I was also really cracked out and just wanted to move around and talk. I am not sure if it was the E (which I had taken almost 6 hours earlier) or the methylone but I started telling my girlfriend how great I thought she is and how beautiful she is and how glad I was she was hanging out tonight. I think it was the methylone just because of the timing of when I started saying this. This was interesting because it had a pretty profound emotional effect on me which I didnt expect. This didnt last long though. After an hour or 2 I was pretty much down.

I think next time I will take a full hit if not more. I am interesting in trying this one again though.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2007Views: 7,513
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Methylone (255) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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