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Oodles of Noodles
Anadenanthera spp.
Citation:   TryEverythingOnce. "Oodles of Noodles: An Experience with Anadenanthera spp. (exp66978)". Apr 14, 2011.

3 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera spp. (ground / crushed)
I had discovered stories about Anadenanthera online and got excited as I'm somewhat of an experimenter with drugs. I am fairly experienced with the mainstream narcotics and have done quite a bit of experimenting with the lesser known legal substances. Anyway I've tripped several times on shrooms, once with LSD, morning glory, 2CB, salvia. One hour before I snorted the yopo I had taken a hit of salvia before walking to the shop to get baking soda. Made the first couple of minutes of the walk very interesting indeed!

I recieved 60 yopo seeds a few days before. I snorted one cooked seed without baking soda or lime just to see how much it hurt. Absolutely no effect, obviously though because there was nothing to activate the vital DMT goodness stuff. It didn't hurt too bad so I was looking forward to the Saturday when I had the house to myself and I could have a proper go! Anyway, after reading all the preperation reports online it seems those who don't prepare properly don't get the desired effect. I prepared properly and boyyyy did I get the desired effects!

I got back from the shop with the baking soda. Selected 3 seeds, three medium sized ones. I selected the freshest looking seeds. Anyway I heated them up in a pan, waited until they popped. Peeled off the brown casing and threw away. I crushed the seeds' neat smooth yellowish interiors in a mortar and pessle. Don't worry if it all sticks to the inside. Once its all nicely ground up scrape in out using a spoon. I then mixed in baking soda. Approx. 5:1 with yopo being in the majority.

I think this next part is vitally important. I mixed in a little splash of water. Mixed it up good for a few minutes. Then spread the paste over the bottom of the plate. Placed it on top of a pan heating water beneath. The boiling water beneath dried off the mixture nicely. Once it was totally dry I scraped it off the plate using a spoon and arranged the powder into 4 lines. Fairly large. I was pretty nervous about the quantity! If the soda/lime paste enables better absorbtion of the vital chemicals into the membrane then obviously mixing it up using liquid to infuse the whole substance with the chemical is critical.

Then I took the plate into the bathroom so I would have the toilet close by in case of sickness. Anyway, I selected the chunkiest line and blasted it up my right nostril in one swoop. OH my god. I wasn't prepared for the pain. It was intense! I though at that moment, I wouldn't be able to finish, but I waited a few seconds and went anyway. Left nostril, same size line, half the pain. Waited a few more seconds and then the last two lines went up with no noticible extra pain. Yes it was all gone! No pain no gain!

I was sat in front of the toilet for about 3 minutes in quite a lot of discomfort, thinking....'hmmmm wheres this immediate effect people speak of??!' I didn't feel sick at all. I kept sniffing, got a drip which wasn't half as bad as a couple of wimps on here complained about!

'Ok' I'm thinking ' Oh well....another disapointment'. Then after a couple more minutes I started to feel slightly euphoric. I start getting excited. Then I lie down on my (clean!) bathroom floor and I starting getting pulling sensations in my legs and arms. Not unpleasant in the slightest. Feeling good. Then I notice colours and movement in the ceiling. The wall suddenly turns bright green. Cool. Parts of my vision start blocking out for a tenth of a second in rectangular beige blocks. I'm feeling very heavy and close my eyes. I have super intense closed eye visuals. Crazy red visions of shapes and kalidescopes. Just when I'm thinking this is probably the peak I get up and walk to the living room as I don't feel sick at all.

Then the noodles started attacking!! Bright massively stretched out multi coloured telephone wire noodles a mm thick spread out over the whole room eminating from the wall and gigantic mirror in my living room. It was absolutely beautiful. All the colours of the books and wall and ...well everything are so so so bold. So beautiful. I'm having a whale of a time! Just take all this in for what seemed like hours but was most likely 10 minutes. The most open eyed hallucinations I have ever had. Overwhelming beauty.

Then I got a little nausea. I went to the bathroom but I'm not sick or anywhere near being sick. Continue to lie on the bathroom floor for about 15 minutes tripping so hard. I definitely had a feeling that somebody else was present in the house though I knew this wasn't the case. I guess just a little paranoia that I would get found in this messy state! Also when I thought of my physical feelings in my arms and legs I felt changes in the feelings. Like I was controlling them somewhat. So difficult to explain.

Around this time I start looking forward to coming down as it was very very intense. I start levelling out fairly quickly after this point. After 50 minutes from snorting it most visual distortions have left with the exception of a little pattern in the centre of my vision. I have a lovely warm glow all over my body for approx 30 minutes while I sup from some nice Rioja and think about all the crazy shit that has just happened!
Two hours after snorting I'm totally back to baseline. I will definitely be having yopo again. I wouldn't change my preperation at all.

I very interesting and unique experience. Hard to explain and very beautiful at times. 2 minutes of pain is worth it. Enjoy and respect Anadenanthera.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66978
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2011Views: 7,700
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Anadenanthera spp. (284) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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