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My Life As A Dream
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Space Leopard. "My Life As A Dream: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp66986)". Mar 30, 2023.

1/8 oz oral Mushrooms
    smoked Cannabis

I am an experienced user of most substances and I have never felt it necessary to inform anyone other than close friends of my experiences. I suffer from borderline schizophrenia, multiple nervous disorders, dyslexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and clinical depression.I found myself offered an ounce of psychedelic mushrooms of an unknown strength and decided to give it a try. A few friends and I each had an eighth to ourselves with much extra for anyone else. I chose to be the 'babysitter' for him and another 'shrooming friend, due to the fact that I needed to be somewhere later that night. I slowly began to ingest a gram, while my friend (who fill from here on out be considered Friend A) took his entire eighth to his face in under five minutes. My other friend (now Friend B) also slowly began to eat her eighth. Having not known what the night held for us, I did not keep track of time, for this was nothing new.

The night roared on, and the mushrooms hit us within twenty minutes. We were impressed with the speedy onset, and Friend A seemed to be feeling quite shaken-up. We thought nothing of it and continued our night, smoking pot with random wanderers who came into our layer of psychedelia. After a couple hours, it was obvious something was wrong with Friend A. He had buried himself under blankets in Friend B's bed and rarely talked. The only thing he came out to do was eventually throw up, after which he returned to his hiding place. Friend B and I were baffled by this. I have seen Friend A overcome much heavier trips than a mushroom trip, and was starting to worry. I was feeling like I had ate quite more than just a gram.

After much of this, Friend A decided he had to leave. Friend B and I objected to this, but he insisted. After his departure, we continued to smoke and talk. Everything seemed to be normal, except for how we had not had contact with Friend A for what seemed like hours. We assumed he would come back, but he never did. The night grew, and when it was time for me to leave, we all stood up and slowly proceeded to the door.

I was contacted by Friend A the next morning. He explained to me what happened to him, and due to me not being him I cannot fully explain what happened to him, but according to him it was the most spiritual experience of his life. He said to have experienced an 'Ego-death'. I wanted to experience this. Having still more than 2g left, I wanted to take another eighth from our stash for myself so I could fully experience an eighth at its fullest potential, saving my remaining ~2.5 for another night.

Upon returning safely home to my residency, I prepared myself for my trip. When I felt the time appropriate, I began to ingest my new friends. As I expected, I started to feel the affects relatively quickly. Once the full affects were upon me, I knew I was going to get my money's worth. I was ecstatic. I took on an entirely new meaning to life. Life became more realistic than it had ever seemed to me before. I could grasp my every emotion in the palm of my hand.
I was ecstatic. I took on an entirely new meaning to life. Life became more realistic than it had ever seemed to me before. I could grasp my every emotion in the palm of my hand.
Things of which made no previous sense to me became the epitome of understanding. I loved love. I was love, love was beauty, beauty was love, life was beautiful. My thoughts became more in depth and my thought process became longer and deeper as with most of my previous mushroom trips.

After I was content with what I was feeling, I went to sit in my bathroom and smoke some pot. I sat in the middle of the floor and began to relax myself. I began to analyze each of my hundreds of dreams, each one more interesting than the one before it. While analyzing these dreams, I came to a realization. How could all of these places, people, things, concepts exist inside my head? Did I create these things? Am I really that powerful?

The answer: No. It took me the rest of the night for me to fully understand the concept of dreams again. First I had convinced myself that I was a god, then upon realizing I wasn't, I convinced myself that the only way for this to really be true is that if I didn't exist. I continued to search and search for the answer of how there is a universe inside my mind, and I am still unable to explain this phenomena.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2023Views: 359
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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