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A Meditative Experience
Methylphenidate (Concerta) & Cannabis
Citation:   Egodeath. "A Meditative Experience: An Experience with Methylphenidate (Concerta) & Cannabis (exp66989)". Apr 12, 2011.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  108 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
I'd used concerta several times prior to this experience as I have a friend who has a prescription and who is willing to give me a few now and again for little or no cost. I generally don't particularly enjoy it that much, as it usually makes me anxious and paranoid, but I decided to give it a shot on this night and hope for the best. This night turned out to be radically different from my previous experiences with concerta.

I took 3 36 mg pills at about 8 pm. I had been smoking pot all day, which turned out to be a key factor in this trip. Weed usually makes me very tired a few hours after the peak, so I decided to take the concerta to wake me up and hopefully have some fun. From past experience I knew that for me it takes about 45 minutes to start feeling the effects, so I waited, very exhausted, for an hour and a half.

At this point I still felt tired, which was suprising because in the past only 72 mgs had been enough to keep me wide awake for 12 or more hours. I decided to snort a concerta with the hopes that this would produce a quicker effect than taking it orally. While waiting for the onset I decided to lay down and watch tv. My exhaustion refused to subside after another hour, and the lights and noise from the tv became irritating and unpleasant. Unpleased with the effects thus far, I turned off the lights and tv and made a futile attempt to sleep.

The concerta blocked any possibility of rest, despite the pervasive exhaustion. The only explaination I can think of for the sleepiness I felt is the large amounts of pot I had smoked earlier that day. Weed has made me more tired than I felt at that time, but I expected that the concerta would eliminate this entirely. Instead, I had the unusual experience of feeling extremely tired and energetic at the same time. This is a difficult emotion to explain, but I think it is best described as having your brain want to sleep but your body want to move everywhere quickly.

After lying in silence for a few minutes, I put on my ipod and turned on the Dark Side of the Moon with the dim hope that it would somehow soothe me to sleep. From this point on music became essential to the experience. In previous experiences with concerta, anything that wasn't loud and fast was intolerable. This time, the exact opposite was true. Anything remotely heavy or quick-tempoed was unbearable, while slow, peaceful music could only be described as euphoric.

I spent hours laying in the dark, listening to as much relaxing (relative to my usual preferences) music as possible. Over that period of time I phased in and out of a meditative state of bliss. The music seemed to flow through me like blood through my veins. The darkness intensified my mental impressions of the music, making it almost visible However, if I accidentally played a song that was out of tune with my body by being too fast or loud, my heart would pound wildly and an unpleasant adrenaline rush would ruin the state of tranquility.

Several songs evoked a much more relaxed state than the others, seemingly for mainly personal reasons. For example, one of the most blissful, ego-weakening songs I listened to was Tangerine Sky by the Kottonmouth Kings. This song for me is permanently intertwined with memories of the best DXM trip I've ever had, so even under normal circumstances it can somewhat bring back the joy of that trip. For this reason, I highly recommend that anyone undergoing a similar experience listen to anything that brings back peaceful memories.

After several hours of peaceful meditation, fatigue yielded to the concerta, and the state of bliss was no more. By 4:30 the relaxing effects had completely worn off, and the rest of the night was spent killing time on the internet or watching tv.

Looking back at the experience, it was definitely positive, but I find it unlikely that I will repeat it because of the difficulty of recreating the exact state of mind necessary for it to take place. However, I do consider myself lucky for having this experience at least once.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66989
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2011Views: 25,155
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