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THC Interfering With Peak?
Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
by AA
Citation:   AA. "THC Interfering With Peak?: An Experience with Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp67319)". Apr 10, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis  
  6 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had used 10X salvia extract once about 3 months before, and had been impressed by its effects. My friend and I decided to try this higher-strength extract. We purchased a gram of 40X for $60.

We were at the house of a friend of ours, and before trying the salvia the three of us smoked a blunt with roughly 2 g of mid-grade cannabis in it. We subsequently tried the salvia, at first each of us taking only one hit because of how strong we thought it was. (The salvia was smoked out of a wooden pipe with a metal screen, and lit with an ordinary Bic). We felt minor effects coming on, and each of us eventually took 5 more hits. Our third friend, whose house it was and who had never tried salvia before, compared the feeling to that associated with a small or low-quality dose of PCP.

I began to feel a downward 'pull' on my face, a slight buzzing sensation in my head, and an inability to suppress my laughter, all of which were familiar effects I experienced with the 10X. As the effects intensified and I listened to the conversation going on, I began to interpret everyone's sentences as being poetic or 'sing-songy.' It's a difficult concept to explain, but basically I was hearing normal speech patterns as being very rhythmic, as if they had been written that way.

Our friend's half-pit-bull/half-rottweiler then entered the room. This cross-breed of dog has a very animated, expressionate face, and I felt my emotions changing with the facial expressions of the dog, as if I could sense her feelings.

That, however, was the height of my experience. About a minute later, the after-glow set in. Although I did experience an altered sense of perception, I did not experience the 'peak' as I had with a considerably weaker extract. No full-blown hallucinations, no profound thoughts, no intensity really.

The first time I used salvia, I had not smoked any cannabis, and I had drunk about 4-5 beers at the time. I am not familiar with what, if any, amplifications or dimunitions of the salvia experience can result from alcohol or THC. I have read that an improper lighter will not burn the salvia correctly and won't release all the Salvinorin A, but I used the same kind of lighter both times. I also have read that there is no tolerance associated with Salvia, and even if there were I would not expect such a tolerance to be present considering it was my second use and it came 3 months after my first.

The only other difference between the two experiences was the setting. The first time, when the salvia was effective, there was a big party going on at my house (high-energy atmosphere), while this time it was just two friends and I hanging out, smoking weed, and watching TV. Therefore, I conclude that either the cannabis we smoked prior or the surroundings that dulled the experience. Since one of the effects of THC is that it somewhat 'softens the world around the edges,' it seems plausible that it could round off the intensity of a salvia high. Also, because the surroundings were somewhat boring, perhaps my subconscious wasn't feeling particularly creative at the time. It is even possible that a combination of the two factors led to this mediocre experience.

All in all, it was an interesting yet sort of disappointing experience. I'm no narc or drug counselor, but I realize that it's useful to investigate the factors that can make a psychoactive substance *not* work.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67319
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2018Views: 865
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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